Making A Stand-Out Brand With A Diverse Combination Of Social Media Posts

Stuck with ideas for the next post?

Building brand awareness and customer loyalty is a tough job. Yet, you may find it more straightforward if you break it into manageable bits.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to build a solid social media strategy with diverse post, share some ideas on how to engage your audience, and make your social media presence sustainable.

Let’s get started!

Why Post On Social Media?

If you run a business, posting on social media is a must. Why? People speak, love, read news and buy online. This all doesn’t pass by marketers.

According to statistics, last year, global social media advertising spending reached 116 billion U.S. dollars. It is predicted to double by 2028 and reach 262 billion by 2028.

To be on the list of the best, you have to tune your social media presence too. Ye, how to stand out in the cut-throat competition online?

The answer is simple: be relevant and creative. This is possible if you master different types of content on social media.

What Are The Types Of Posts?

We can speak of at least ten types of content to post on social media. They include written content, images, videos, and more. Let’s review the content types one by one.

Text content includes blogs, articles, manuals, guides, and more. This type of content is best posted on LinkedIn or Facebook. Twitter may be also used to attract audience attention and drive traffic to your website.

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The main challenge here is competition. You should work hard on picking interesting topics, mirrored by appealing headlines.

The audience of today is picky. They want clear and fast benefits from your text, and your job is to give that.


It is the most accessible content to create technically but requires a lot of talent and a unique feel of the market to produce it professionally.

Images, when successful, are powerful like and share magnets to your brand. Yet, they don’t have to be super sophisticated, just unusual.

For example, the picture of an egg posted in 2019 on the Instagram world_record_egg account generated over 50 million likes and became one of the most viewed posts on Instagram.

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video content is best for presenting your competence in your business niche. Ideas for this sort of content vary. The only condition for success – your videos should be relevant.

Check how Google presented its G-Suite capabilities in this short ad:

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Are a simple and creative way to add urgency to your offers, announce new releases, etc. Technically, this type of content is made of videos or pictures that disappear within 24 hours.

This type of content is available on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.

Audible (@audible), one of the world’s most audiobook libraries, has mastered Instagram stories as a platform to promote new releases:

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Live streaming offers vast possibilities to your audience: access to events they can’t visit or the behind-the-scenes side of our business, Q&A sessions, educational webinars, and more.

Or you can offer a silly idea and generate thousands of reviews within minutes.

Success Story

Buzzfeed, once posted, will crash a watermelon with rubber bands. And then live-streamed that experiment. As a result, they attracted over 800K live viewers by the end of the video.

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Infographics are a great way to prove your brand’s reliability, since people trust numbers. It also helps present important and complex data in a simple way.

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For example, in the following infographics, Coca-cola presented its top success metrics in a couple of digits and graphic images:

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Reviews And Testimonials Boost Trust

LinkedIn and Facebook have exceptional functionality to allow your clients to express their devotion to your brand. Facebook even has a five-star rating button for leaving reviews.

Building Social Media Content Plan Properly

To select the correct post type, you should consider the specifics of the social media network you are posting on.

A company dealing with business analysis service will not succeed with pictures of conference meetings on Instagram or TikTok videos.

In this case, informative blog posts on LinkedIn, or relevant info on Facebook or Twitter, inviting readers to visit your site will work better.

Yet, if you produce custom-made furniture or have a culinary start-up, the pictures of your work will be perfect for Pinterest or Instagram.

Sill, to build your content plan properly, you will have to do your own research. Each social network has analytic tools to show how your posts resonate with your audience.

You should try different types of posts to see their productivity. The only advice that works well for everyone is that the content should bring value to readers.

It is a book, a how-to advice, a joke to share, or a poster.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon