6 Innovative Ways To Grow Your Restaurant Business

You know that while creating your signature pasta dish for your dream restaurant, you wanted it to be world-renowned or at least famous in your region, right? Even in the conceptualization stage, many restaurateurs already have something planned to expand their business.  

But, often, those plans get sidelined or stored on the backburner in the chaos and busyness of it all. Running a restaurant requires organization and planning, and everything goes down to the nitty-gritty for you to succeed. Good thing, this article will give you several innovative ideas to help you grow your restaurant business; here are some of them: 

Expand Your Space 

When word gets out that your restaurant offers the most sumptuous dishes, your restaurant menu is to die for, and the service is exceptional, don’t be surprised if diners come flocking to your doors.

You will notice that some days and nights, you don’t have space to seat your arriving guests, it’s a good problem, right?  

For such situations, you may want to offer extra room outside and install a temporary structure for expanded restaurant space. These semi-permanent structures will be perfect for busy weekends, paydays, and holidays when your restaurant bursts at the seams.

Customers will appreciate that you try your best to accommodate them and might even give your restaurant high ratings on review apps.  

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Many customer frustrations stem from a business’s inability to serve customers, especially when they have traveled far to reach your place and are starving. You can imagine how disappointed they could be, which could be bad for your business.

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An expanded restaurant space will help you address that concern and elevate your service even more. And more importantly, having an extended restaurant space will increase your transaction count and daily sales.  

Offer Out-Of-Store Event Booths 

Your loyal customers would love your presence on special occasions like weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. This would add another revenue stream for your business and ensure your growth.

If you could set up an elegant booth to serve your customer’s guests during their intimate events, you would be able to meet new people, and your brand will be known to a much wider group of potential customers. 

This strategy will be a cash cow for your business because there’s always an occasion happening somewhere, and someone is celebrating their birthday every day.  

Offer Merchandise 

Once you have built a good following and your brand is solidly identified by many people who post about it on their social media feeds and include you in their daily activities.

You may take advantage of this brand recognition and offer merchandise for your customers to buy so they can have a piece of you in their lives outside the restaurant.  

You can have T-shirts with witty statements, mugs, water bottles, pens, and other items to offer for sale. This will further boost your brand’s image in untapped markets and increase customer loyalty.

These items will also increase your visibility as customers may wear or use them anywhere. Your plans for expansion are already underway with this tactic.  

Partner With Online Delivery Apps 

Making your products available for online delivery will allow you to tap customers who do not prefer eating out and rely solely on delivery.

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With skyrocketing gasoline prices, many consumers think twice about going out of their homes and driving their cars. When you partner with an online delivery app, your restaurant can serve customers who want to eat their food at home.  

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Get Active On Social Media 

Building an online presence is a necessity in today’s digital world. Being easily searchable and accessible on many digital platforms will widen your reach and expand your market. Typically, when consumers want to know about something, they will first open their phones and search about it.  

Suppose your restaurant can establish a credible social media presence, and customers can make inquiries hassle-free.

In that case, you will be able to reach more people and elevate your customer experience. You may notice that customers are actively sharing their positive experiences about your restaurant on their social media feeds. This will create a positive image of your brand and grow your business.  

Implement Corporate Social Responsibility Programs 

A business that shows concern about social issues is more likely to be patronized by people. The positive impression of your brand’s participation in socially-relevant events can boost your image and earn you points from consumers. You may join events like tree-planting activities, feeding programs, or educational initiatives. These events increase the value of your brand and grow your business positively. 


Expanding one’s restaurant business may be straightforward for some entrepreneurs. Still, today’s growing demands of consumers have become more diverse and unique, so distinctive strategies to address them should be considered when you think of expansion. Planning for the short and long-term should both be taken into account.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon