How To Save Enough Money To Start Your Own Business 

So, you have a brilliant business idea and experience to sell. Now, all you need to take your business off the ground is “seed money”. But if you are bootstrapping your startup, finding enough capital to start your own business can be a critical challenge to face. 

With the tips and strategies below, you can bulk up your savings, streamline your finances, and start building a solid fund to grow your business. 

Let’s dive right in!

Craft A Business Plan And Have A Clear Goal In Mind

The first step to saving enough money to start a business is… to know how much money is “enough money”! The most efficient strategy to set a clear goal for your budgeting efforts is to craft a detailed business plan with clear financial projections and estimated expenses. 

A business plan won’t just help you secure funding from traditional lending institutions, but it can also help you mitigate cash flow risks and build enough capital to power your newborn business through its first (and most vulnerable!) years. 

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Start A Side Hustle Or Apprenticeship

If you are struggling to reduce your expenses, you might consider the benefits of increasing your household income. Doing so can help you grow your savings faster, lower your debt, and stabilize your finances before diving into a financially risky project such as starting a business. 

What’s more, boosting your income by taking on a side hustle or applying for an apprenticeship can help you build experience in a certain field!

For example, if you are looking to start your own machine shop, working with a local craftsman, engineer, or mechanic can help set clear expectations about the risks and rewards of operating in this niche. 

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Create (And Stick To!) A Budget

Limiting unnecessary expenses and redirecting additional money toward your savings account can help you grow your business fund. To cut living costs, consider implementing a strict household budget, which will give you a better idea of what your spending habits are and how you can improve them. 

If you are finding it hard to stick to a highly detailed budgeting strategy, consider easy-to-follow but efficient alternatives such as the 50\30\20 rule.

Get A Store Card For Stores You Shop At Frequently

Store credit cards are an excellent way to minimize expenditures when shopping at your favorite retail stores or chains. Some store cards with great perks allow you to spread the cost of larger purchases and receive discounts, cashback, and other rewards.

In turn, these can help you save on your everyday purchases and take advantage of exclusive promotions on eligible transactions. 

When choosing a store credit card, make sure to choose one that can be used at the stores and shops you visit more frequently, and take your time comparing quotes, perks, reward systems, and interest rates. 

Think Of Ways To Minimize Your Business’s Costs

If you feel that your savings goals are unattainable, you might look into reducing the costs involved with launching your business. For example, you might consider moving your operations online, thus cutting overhead costs such as office rent.

Alternatively, you could look into partnering with third-party service providers for your marketing, accounting, or customer care departments. 

Use Auto-Pay Features To Gain Discounts And Avoid Late Payment Fees

Your finances can be negatively affected by interest rates and later payment fees – especially if you tend to use your credit card as your preferred payment method. So, if you are struggling to keep up with payment deadlines, you should consider enrolling in auto-pay programs. 

Through these systems, lending institutions can automatically withdraw funds from your account when the payments are due and, in exchange, they offer up to 0.25% discount on interest rates. A win-win situation!

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Reduce Your Debt And Build Your Credit Score 

Before investing in a commercial entity, it is important to stabilize your own finances. 

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For example, extinguishing or reducing your debt can help you lower your debt-to-income ratio, making you a candidate for more advantageous loans.

What’s more, your personal credit score is one of the factors lending institutions assess before granting a business loan. So, you should spend time improving your FICO score before seeking funding. 

Consider Alternative Funding Options, i.e.: Crowdfunding

If you are struggling to put together the necessary capital to start a business but you feel that this is the right time to enter the market, you could speed the process along by seeking alternative funding options. 

For example, you could ask family members and friends for small loans or launch a crowdfunding campaign. Depending on the nature of your business, you might also consider pitching your idea to local Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists. 

Plan A Soft Launch

Building a business isn’t something that is done overnight! And, there are plenty of ways to minimize the financial impact of taking a startup off the ground. For example, you might plan a soft launch!

This strategy can help you reduce the investment necessary to launch a product or service, and gives you enough time to stabilize your cash flow. 

If you feel lost or unsure about the best launching strategy for your new business, partnering with an experienced mentor can help you find the right direction!

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon