How To Become An SEO Expert

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a factor in every webpage. Knowing how to optimize web pages, write effective search engine-focused content, and use links effectively is a must when working online.

Whether you’re working online or starting your own online company, SEO expertise is essential, with Google having the most searches performed each year.

What Is SEO?

SEO is a method of increasing visitor flow to websites by increasing their ranking on relevant Google searches.

There are various methods and tools that help this optimization, and rules to them, such as using too many keywords or trying to have authority on too many topics, may degrade the ranking. 

SEO is a priceless skill that takes time to learn. It can be costly and intensive for a company to train its own expert.

The services that Index365 offer provide a solution to this and are an inspiration for becoming an SEO expert. Becoming an expert may lead to a career in and of itself, building upon your existing skill set.

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Three Steps To Take To Become An SEO Expert

SEO is complicated and involves many aspects. Here we’ll explain three steps to starting your journey to becoming an expert. These options are ideal for helping your small business or monetizing your blog.

Learn To Write For The Search Engine

Learning to write with your focus on the search engine is the first step in using SEO effectively. Search engine ranking can be determined by site authority, keywords, use of headings, relevant information, content quality, and ease of use for the webpage. 

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One of the most valuable tools to learn is keyword usage. First, you’ll need to know how to research keywords before putting them into the content. Index365 performs Keyword research as one of its services, as this is one of the most crucial parts of having relevant visitors find your webpage. 

A light amount of keywords sprinkled into your blog post, with headings and images, will increase the SEO rating of your webpage. Authority is built using informative information and links, directing visitors to the answers they’re looking for.

As such, answering FAQs and using related search terms within your content is another great start to becoming an expert at optimizing website pages.

Understand SEO Strategies

SEO strategies change constantly. What worked 10 years ago won’t work today. You’ll learn a lot about this change by comparing posts from websites a decade ago and their present ones.

Keywords are spaced out and used less frequently, articles read more smoothly, and content is more informative with links and other relevant information.

The most popular tactics involve:

  • Using keywords in targeted places and your metadata.
  • Acquiring backlinks that link to your content.
  • Optimizing websites for mobile devices.
  • Formatting your work for Google’s featured snippets. 
  • Using bullet points and lists sparingly.

Writing in shorter paragraphs optimizes the content for mobile and makes it easier for your site’s visitors to read. Answering the FAQ using relevant information increases the chance of the webpage being picked by Google as the answer to that question or featured as a snippet. 

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Learn To Be Technical

The technical aspect of SEO is just as important as the content, and professionals such as Index365 understand this perfectly well. Mobile optimization is a popular tactic but requires both technical and content focus.

A web page for mobile needs to be able to load in the screen’s resolution, distribute images and text correctly, and be easily scrollable.

Related:  How to Optimize Your Website

Webpage loading speed is another factor of technical SEO. Speed is critical, whether for a business or a blog, as ease of navigation and use add length to the time spent on your site, helping increase its ranking. 

Optimizing plugins and deleting outdated ones is one quick method to increase your page’s loading speed. Limiting the number of images and videos used on the website is another easy option. 

Take A Course And Get Certified

Getting certified is one of the best ways to become a professional SEO expert. Coursera offers a detailed course with a 75% rate of improved career options for their graduates.

Courses offer the benefit of hands-on projects that test your skills, ensuring you’re learning correctly. Taking a course will teach you all the aspects of SEO in more detail than you can learn from online tutorials and other instructions.

You’ll learn how to use SEO in a professional environment, much like Index365, and can offer services as an expert in your field. 

Going Further

Being an SEO expert is a full-time commitment. This Expertise will strengthen your website’s traffic and gain more potential customers and readers.

Keeping up with current tactics requires reading, researching, and staying up-to-date with algorithm changes. However, the skill is a worthwhile achievement that can become a career or a handy tool.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon