5 Best Gmail Hacker Apps in 2025 (How to Hack Gmail!)

Best Gmail Hacker Apps

Gmail is used across the globe. It was first conceived in 2004 but wasn’t released properly until 2007 after its beta trials.

Today, it has more than one billion customers.

There’s a good reason why it’s so popular. It’s not just easy to create a Gmail account, it offers several useful features:

  • 15 GB of storage for free
  • Automatically organizes conversations
  • Built-in virus and malware checker
  • Spam filter incorporated and it’s pretty effective

In short, Gmail does everything it can to keep your data safe. 

However, because of its popularity, it has inevitably become a victim of its own success.

There are plenty of dubious characters that have learned how to hack Gmail accounts. 

Whether you’re trying to hack an account or simply want to know how to keep your account safe, you need to know which are the best Gmail hacker apps and how they work. 

Understanding Keyloggers

A keylogger does exactly what he says it does, logs every keystroke made on the target device.

By recording every input it is possible to work out usernames and passwords. 

When it comes to Gmail accounts the username is generally the email address.

If you can recognize this with a keylogger then the password will be the next characters typed into the device. 

A good keylogger will install itself on a target device as part of the operating system, making it effectively invisible to the user. 

Most keyloggers are built into tracking apps, they can be used to hack passwords or to monitor where someone is and what they are doing on their phone. 

Sometimes this is the safest way to give your child space while still looking after them.

A keystroke logger will allow you to find out the target’s Gmail password. 

Once you have this you’ll be able to enter their Gmail account via your own browser.

You’ll simply need to log into Gmail using their email address and password.

However, while most people don’t check when they last logged in, your access will be logged and this may tell the user that their Gmail has been hacked. 

The Best Gmail Hacker Apps in 2025

If you’re considering hacking a Gmail account or want to protect yourself from hacking then you need one of the best Gmail hacking apps currently available:

1. xMobi

xMobi Mail Hacking

In our opinion this is the best hacking and tracking app currently on the market. 

xMobi embeds itself into a target phone and becomes invisible.

While it does offer a keystroke logger, you’ll find it easier to install xMobi on their phone and then you’ll be able to access a wealth of information. 

👉 Get xMobi Here

This includes social media activity, reading SMS messages, checking phone logs, and looking at all their email accounts, not just Gmail.

You can also check their photos and videos, look at where they are and where they have been, and even block access to specific websites.

It’s all done remotely and invisibly. 

2. mSpy

mSpy Email Hacking Apps

mSpy is another good option and an excellent choice for anyone with limited computer knowledge.

It also has a keystroke logger but the app will allow you to remotely view all email accounts on the target device.

👉 Get mSpy Here

You’ll even be able to access the sender information for each email and, if necessary, block the email address from further correspondence. 

3. uMobix

uMobix Mailbox scanner

uMobix is a versatile option and will provide you with much more than access to a Gmail account. 

It gives you a list of all calls and text messages sent and received. This includes timestamps, duration, and the content of the messages.

👉 Get uMobix FREE

You’ll also be able to see all the posts and comments on their various social media accounts and you can track their location via the phone.

The internet history browser is also useful, as is blocking access to specific websites. But, it’s the keystroke logger that will allow you to access their emails. 

4. eyeZy


This is generally considered the best spying app for Twitter account access. But, it’s also effective at hacking Gmail.

Once installed, eyeZy will allow you to access and read all Gmail messages and other email accounts. It will even give you the date, time, and sender details.

👉 Get eyeZy FREE

You’ll also be able to monitor their contacts, including incoming and outgoing phone calls and SMS messages.

It’s even possible to see what apps are used the most and what internet sites have been visited.

5. Hoverwatch


Hoverwatch is a more recent addition to the industry but it is quickly establishing itself as one of the best.

As usual, it is invisible to the target.

The app sends all the information it collects directly to your email account, meaning you don’t need to do anything to find out what someone is doing on their phone. 

It also tracks internet history, allows you to see incoming, and outgoing, calls and messages, enables you to hack Instagram, while taking regular screenshots of the target phone to help you see exactly what they are doing, on Gmail and other apps.

Installing The Tracking App

Installing your chosen hacking app, ideally one from the above list, is surprisingly simple. However, you may need access to the target phone for several minutes. 

Before you can install you’ll need to go to the relevant website and create an account. Follow the instructions and provide a few details and your account will be ready in minutes. 

As part of this you’ll have to provide payment details, allowing you to subscribe to your desired option.

It’s usually done by duration, the longer you want the app for, the cheaper the monthly cost.

Once you’ve subscribed you’ll be given a link. You’ll need to open a browser on your target phone and type this link in.

The hacking app will install and automatically hide. 

You’ll then be able to track the Gmail and other details on the target phone by simply logging into the app account on your own device. 

Of course, the difficult part is getting the target’s phone for several minutes without them knowing. 

If you have an iOS system then you can often install remotely. You simply go to the iCloud and log in with your target’s credentials. 

That can be the difficult part, working out what their credentials are. 

Hacking With The Password


A tracking app is an excellent idea as it doesn’t just allow you to see their Gmail transactions.

You’ll also gain access to their social media messages, SMS, call logs, and even their location.

The array of features makes these apps very popular with parents trying to remotely protect their children.

It’s also appreciated by couples trying to build or rebuild trust.

But, if you’re just after hacking a Gmail account, you may wish to try hacking with the password.

That means, opening a browser and going to the Gmail site.

You’ll be asked to log in. All you need is the email address and password. 

You probably know the email address, the question is whether you can guess the password or figure out what it is using your keystroke logger. 

Gmail will only let you try to unlock an account so many times, although the exact amount is a closely guarded secret and also depends on variables like time and location. 

The alternative is to try resetting the password:

  • On your own device open a browser and type Google
  • You’ll be given a login screen
  • Under the email or phone number is an option called ‘forget email’, click on it
  • You’ll need to type in the target email address
  • The screen will give you several options to verify that you’re the account holder. 
  • You can get a verification code sent to the phone, Google already has the number. It means you’ll need access to the target phone
  • There is also another option where the password reset link is sent to another email address. This only works if you know how to view the other email account

Of course, resetting the password means that the genuine owner of the account won’t be able to access it. They are likely to quickly change the password again and they may become suspicious.



Phishing is commonly done by cybercriminals in an attempt to extract personal information, specifically login details, including passwords. 

You can try this approach yourself. However, you will need some technical knowledge for this. 

The idea is to send an email to your target and tell them that their account has been compromised.

To ensure it is okay the person is encouraged to click on the link and go into their account.

However, the link is not genuine and takes the account holder to a site that looks just like their Gmail account.

They then enter their login details and the hacker, in this case you, will be able to see what they are. This will be the old password and the new one they choose.

For anyone without the necessary tech knowledge to do this you’ll find it’s possible to buy phishing kits. They handle everything for you. 

In return, you’ll get the new password for their account. 

If you simply want to monitor their emails then it’s a good idea to go straight into their Gmail account and change their old password to their new one.

This ensures they are none the wiser. 


Google has an autofill option for passwords and other details. This must be turned on from the device, which means you need access to it. 

  • On the target device open a browser page
  • In the top right of the page you’ll see a settings icon, click on it
  • In the options there will be one that says ‘autofill’, turn this on
  • You can then select ‘passwords’, meaning that Google will automatically fill in passwords. 
  • Now go to the Gmail login page, the details will automatically be filled in
  • The characters will show as stars but clicking on the eye in the right of the password box will allow you to see what the password is. Make a note of it
  • Now return to the settings page and turn off the autofill

You’ll be able to log into their Gmail account whenever you want with their login name and password. 

Steps To Avoid Having Your Gmail Account Hacked


Now you know how to hack a Gmail account you’ll probably be eager to make sure this doesn’t happen to you.

There are a few things you can do to reduce the likelihood. 

Don’t Use Links

It doesn’t matter how genuine an email looks, never click on a link. Instead, open a new browser and go to the internet page as you usually would. 

You can then log in and check your account without giving your details to a hacker. 

Check Log In Logs

Your Gmail account tells you when you last logged in. It shows the date and time.

Look at this every time you log in and you’ll be able to spot if the last login was you or not.  

Change Passwords Regularly

This is obvious and doesn’t completely stop a hacker, but it does help.  Change your passwords every month to help prevent your account from being hacked. 

Two-Factor Identification

This can be activated in Gmail and many other accounts. It means you’ll get a code via SMS when logging in. 

You’ll still have to enter your username and password, you’ll then get the code and can use this to finish the login process.

Final Thoughts

Hacking a Gmail account is illegal although most states are tolerant of parents trying to protect children by monitoring their activity.

If you need to keep an eye on anyone then using one of the best Gmail hacker apps is the most practical option. 

However, being illegal doesn’t mean hacking doesn’t happen. 

You need to take precautions to avoid being hacked and, if you choose to use a hacking app, make sure it is for the right reasons. 

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Avatar of Jonathon Spire
My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 8 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant. In my spare time I dabble in crypto and various types of automation.
Picture of Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon