Financial Impact Of Personal Injuries: Understanding Out-of-Pocket Costs

When we get hurt because of a personal injury, it’s not just our bodies or feelings that take a hit—our wallets really feel the burden, too.

We often tend to focus more on a personal injury’s physical or emotional aspects. While they’re important, we also need to consider the financial consequences you’ll inevitably have to take care of. 

Sometimes, you can get compensated for all your expenses when you have a personal injury. But before you do that, you will have to pay out of your own pocket, known as out-of-pocket expenses. 

There are many methods to prove your out-of-pocket expenses to get the fair compensation you deserve; let’s break down what each of them means and what you need to do. 

Types Of Personal Injuries and Immediate Medical Expenses

When you have to pay out of your own pocket, it can be a stressful situation to be in. After all, you’re trying to recover from an injury, and on top of that, you have all these costs to cover as well. 

Immediate Medical

The thing is, injuries come in all shapes and sizes: there are car crashes, slips, workplace accidents, and even medical mistakes that can occur.

Furthermore, not everyone reacts to an accident the same way—some people might get hurt and need more treatment, while others have an easier recovery. 

Regardless of your type of injury and how well you recover from it, each type of injury can ultimately mess with our health and money.

Knowing the type of injury you’re dealing with can help you better understand how much it might cost you to recover from.

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Some immediate medical expenses come with a personal injury, while you’ll likely have to cover out-of-pocket and seek reimbursement later.

When we get hurt, the first thing we do is see a doctor, which costs money. If you have health insurance, they might pay part of the bill, but they will likely only cover some of your expenses, and you may be on the hook for the rest.

Plus, if you go to a doctor who isn’t under your current insurance network, it will cost even more with out-of-network fees and things like that. 

In some cases, if the accident was severe enough, you might even need ongoing medical treatment.

Some injuries may require a lot of doctor visits, like check-ups, physical therapy, or rehabilitation.

These visits can really pile up quickly cost-wise, especially if you have a high-deductible insurance plan or are uninsured outright. 

Employment Problems and Property Damage

Out-of-pocket expenses don’t only come in the shape of immediate medical expenses.

If you’re injured severely enough, you won’t be able to work while you recover, so you’ll have no income coming in.

It’s even harder if you don’t get paid if you don’t have sick time or disability insurance. You could even ultimately lose your position as a result.

On top of that, the lack of employment can even lead to depression and other mental health disorders. Therapists can help in these circumstances, but insurance doesn’t always cover it. 

Furthermore, you might face property damage claims along with the accident. Your car or house could get damaged, which can cost a lot of money to fix or replace—and your insurance might not even cover everything. 

personal injury claim

What To Do About It

A personal injury of any kind can be a lot for anyone to handle just from a recovery perspective.

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Still, when you factor in the financial aspects, too, the situation can become infinitely more stressful to go through. One of the first things you need to do is check your insurance and contact your agent. 

Look at your health, car, and home insurance to see exactly what they cover and what they don’t.

Then, if your injury is someone else’s fault, a lawyer can tell you if you have a case worthy of pursuing.

You will also need to set aside some money for emergencies, which can help when you cannot work or need to pay unexpected bills. 

Also, save all of the bills, receipts, and papers from the doctor and insurance related to the accident, as this will help you if you need to fight for your money or not. 

Properly Preparing For Personal Injuries

When you get hurt, it’s not just about bruises and pain on your body—it can bruise your bank accounts, too. Paying out of your own pocket can be stressful, especially when you have no insurance to help you. 

That said, there are several ways you can cut down on those expenses, and you can even try to fight for reimbursement later on.

Remember that you don’t have to go any of it alone and can reach out to experienced attorneys to help you get the fair compensation you deserve. 

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon