5 Reasons Why A Business Benefits From Cycling

Do you want your company to be more productive? If yes, then cycling might be the answer. In this article, we’ll discuss why cycling benefits employees and businesses.

Cycling has become a popular form of transport over the last decade. The benefits of cycling include improved health, increased energy levels, improved mood, and avoiding traffic. All these positive changes can help boost employee productivity at your workplace.

Fitness and motivation are two great benefits of cycling. It will result in happier and more productive employees. It also helps reduce stress and improves overall health.

Businesses around the globe are embracing cycling as a means of transportation. This has led to a growing interest in cycling to reduce emissions. 

Let’s learn five reasons why a business benefits from cycling.

1. Reduce Transport Costs

How much does it cost to commute to work every day? Commute time is likely a significant part of your daily routine if you live in a big city. This means you spend hours each week sitting in traffic or wasting precious energy walking long distances.

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In many cities worldwide, cycling has become a standard mode of transportation. Now more than half of all people live in cities where cycling is feasible.

The amount of money spent on transportation every year is insane. It is estimated that the average person spends $1,500 per year on their car. That’s why it makes sense to consider switching to cycling instead.

The use of bicycles for transportation is now considered a sustainable one. Cycling includes reduced traffic congestion, lower air pollution, less noise, better health, and improved community cohesion.

Our daily lives have become more and more reliant on cycling. In addition to being a great way to get fit, it also helps us save time and energy. Therefore, more and more companies are looking into incorporating cycling into their business strategies.

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Take advantage of bicycles to reduce your car usage and save money. Bicycles are cheaper than cars, and they provide an alternative to driving. They also help reduce congestion and pollution.

If your workplace is far from your home, you may want to look for an electric bike. You can ride further on an electric bike, which tends to be fast and effortless.

2. Reduce Parking Costs

Are you looking for ways to save money at work? If yes, then cycling might be the answer. Employees who cycle spend less time commuting and get more exercise. This means they save money on parking fees.

The average American spends $3000 per year on parking. That’s why employers often offer discounted or free parking for their staff. There is a price tag attached to these perks, however. 

Employees who commute by car spend more time sitting behind the wheel and less time working. In addition, they also pay higher insurance premiums. In fact, the average commuter spends nearly half of their income on transportation.

Bikes are preferred over cars, so cities are introducing bike lanes and infrastructure to encourage more people to cycle. Besides being cheaper, it reduces pollution and helps you stay fit. Plus, you can park your bike anywhere you want.

3. Increase Employees Productivity

How often do you get stuck at work because you don’t have enough time to complete your tasks? Or maybe you’ve got too much to do and no time to finish them?

Cycling is an excellent way to boost productivity. You should consider adding cycling to your daily routine to get things done faster.

There are many benefits to cycling. It improves concentration, boosts energy levels, reduces stress and anxiety, and helps you stay fit. In addition, it even has a positive effect on your mood.

However, despite its benefits, cycling remains largely overlooked as a potential source of productivity gains. This is because most companies don’t take advantage of the benefits that cycling can offer them.

4. Reduce Employee Absence

Many companies now offer their employees the opportunity to cycle to work. Cycling is fun at the same time; it can make you fit. It also provides numerous health benefits.

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Cycling is a viable option for those who like to live healthier lives. Your employees may be more likely to arrive at work on time if you offer them the opportunity to bike to work.

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An employer’s annual absenteeism cost is $225.8 billion based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s more than half of all workplace injuries and illnesses combined.

In addition, cycling involves less risk than other forms of vehicles. If you follow traffic rules and stay in the safe lane, you will be less likely to get into an accident. Also, you have more options to choose which road you want to follow.

5. It’s Healthy

The benefits of cycling include getting fit and enjoying nature simultaneously. Cycling is a low-impact exercise, meaning it does not require much energy from the rider. Cycling is the perfect fitness solution for those who don’t have time to spend hours in the gym.

The benefits of cycling include calorie burning and cardio fitness improvement. It also strengthens muscles and bones, helping you build muscle mass. If you ride regularly, you’ll see improvements in your overall health.

There is a strong correlation between cycling to work and a higher level of health and happiness. They also tend to be less stressed out and more productive.


Many cities, especially those with congested traffic, are increasingly using cycling as a mode of transportation. Businesses have seen a rapid increase in productivity when employees started to use cycling as their typical way of transportation. 

Business growth in the modern age requires a more sophisticated solution, and cycling can increase business productivity.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon