What A Historical Weather API Can Do For Your Business

Just as buying a movie ticket is a transaction, so is taking an Uber trip or paying for your morning coffee. With every purchase we make, we’re creating a history of our actions that says something about who we are as people and consumers. 

We tend to think of this data in terms of what it can tell us about ourselves, but it’s also valuable for understanding the world around us—and this includes understanding how weather shapes the way we live our lives. 

Weather-based consumer insights are invaluable when it comes to developing products and marketing campaigns that resonate with customers because they show how people make decisions based on what’s happening outside their windows. A historical weather API, like the one by Tomorrow.io, that allows you to track the weather over a long period of time can be invaluable to growing your business.

Historical Weather Data

Your business is valuable, and it can only continue to grow if you’re able to make smart decisions based on the data available. Historical weather data helps businesses plan for events such as unexpected bad weather conditions or slow periods of time during certain times of the year. 

Weather data provides insight into what kind of products your customers might be interested in purchasing from your store based on their location, which can help improve customer experience and engagement with sales techniques like personalized recommendations or seasonal promotions.

Historical weather data has many uses that extend beyond just creating an app for consumers to use when checking forecasted temperatures at home. By utilizing this information for internal purposes, businesses can save money by knowing when to order more inventory before shortages occur due to large crowds; they can also adjust staffing accordingly so that employees are working efficiently without having too much downtime between shifts or being overworked.

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Weather Insights

One of the biggest benefits for a business is that weather insights can help you make better planning decisions. The Weather Company has been collecting data on the climate and weather patterns across the globe since 1871, which means its dataset is extensive and reliable. 

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They are able to provide information about local conditions in over 200 countries and territories around the world, such as climactic averages, rainfall variations by month, wind speeds, and more.

With historical data available for free from The Weather Company API or through their paid products, you can use this resource to plan your outdoor activities or scheduling based on predicted conditions rather than relying on averages from a general Weather API like OpenWeatherMap or DarkSky API.

Business Intelligence

Historical weather data can be used to forecast the future. This is done by using statistical models which incorporate relevant variables, like historical temperature and precipitation data. The output of these models is probabilistic forecasts of future temperatures, precipitation amounts, and other climatic parameters that have been observed in similar situations in the past.

These methods have been shown to be more accurate than those that only use current observations as input. Predicting human behavior is a challenge for many businesses because people do not always behave rationally or predictably based on their environment or circumstances.

However, it’s possible that historical weather data may provide some insight into how people will behave under certain conditions (e.g., increased temperatures). For example, if there was an unexpected spike in air conditioning usage during a hot summer day last year, then this could indicate that customers might make more purchases during high-temperature days this year too!

This could help companies better plan for staffing levels during peak hours, so employees aren’t overwhelmed with customers at once – leading them back into stores instead of staying home where they’re safe from heatstroke risks associated with indoor cooling systems.

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Historical Weather Data Can Help You Make Better Planning Decisions

As a business owner, you already know that weather is a factor in many of your business decisions. The weather can impact people’s moods, health, and productivity. It also affects their shopping habits and travel plans. Weather also plays a role in recreational activities such as going to the beach or taking a hike.

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The historical data from an API will give you historical information on various types of weather data such as rain, snowfall, wind speed, and wind direction. You can use this information to make better planning decisions for your business on days when the weather may be an issue for customers or employees. 

For example, if there’s heavy rainfall in the forecast for Friday afternoon through Saturday morning, then this would likely mean very few people will be out shopping, so retailers should reduce staffing accordingly until it clears up later that evening


The possibilities are endless when it comes to what a historical weather API can do for your business. There is no limit on the number of queries that can be run, and pricing is generally very affordable. 

Many providers have a number of plans depending on how many calls you expect to make every month. It is important to plan ahead so that you don’t get stuck between being able to afford something or not being able to, which could lead your company into bankruptcy if things don’t go well enough financially.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon