Insights On Achieving a Top SEO Ranking and How To Maintain It

Creating great content has almost no use if you can’t get people to read it. For most people who read or view your content, it must appear at least on the first or the second page of any search engine.

You can employ various tips to ensure most people read your work.

Also, ensure to write contents that answer the viewer’s questions directly. Consider the following optimization tips for your articles for a better ranking.

Optimize Titles

Optimizing titles means using specific words called keywords. The keywords are generated from common searches on engines or simply what readers are typing as they look for information.

It’s a strategy to direct more readers to your website.

However, be careful not to overuse keywords. For a standard article, keywords appear twice or thrice on titles, subtitles, and at least in a third of your content.

Also, keywords need to blend naturally in your sentences and read naturally in paragraphs.

Use White-Label Links

They are highly optimized links created by a link-generating agency such as Vazoola’s White Label link building service. The links target a third-party client.

The white label link generating companies offer links to SEO agencies. The white label links are made using carefully chosen keywords to help your content rank on top.


Check Links

Go through all your internal and external links and check if they work. If you get any 404 results, the link is broken. Broken links imply that the domain exists, but the link HTML has changed.

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Remove such links and include working links because they are likely to confuse your search engine, lowering your click-through rate.

Effectively Employ Internal Links

If your website has a specified niche, it will have multiple articles, videos, and pictures explaining different aspects. Link those articles appropriately and avoid overstuffing links.

One or two internal links in one piece are enough. The links keep the reader on your website longer as they gather more information about your products and services.

Increase The Page Lading Speed

You have probably searched for information on the internet and noted that some websites open fast while others take their time. The reason for such a difference is the speed of loading pages.

Most readers are busy and are usually in a hurry to find information. Readers get impatient when pages load slowly and opt for the next site. It is crucial to optimize speed on your pages.


Organize Your Website Structure

Is your website easy to navigate? When visitors come to your website, the first thing is to ensure that they can easily locate what they want.

Arrange the landing pages for an easy walkthrough. Disorganized and stuffed websites become complicated for readers, making them opt for another friendly website.

Use Meta Descriptions

They are brief words that only search engines can identify. The Meta description is not part of your content. It only helps your engine understand what your article entails.

For instance, if your content is on performing exercises for fitness, you can create a Meta description that reads why exercising is important.

The search engine will now direct people to look for content on the importance of exercising on your website.

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Create Informative Content

Whether your website is designed to sell, educate, research, or perform a business transaction, ensure informative content.

Such information may include benefits, reviews, causes, and information on how to do things. The fact is that most people are not on the internet to buy anything; they are simply looking for answers to something.

Give the solution to their problem and give an insight into your services. You can also provide inside links that provide more information on your services.

Ranking to the top on search engines may take some time. You can use Meta descriptions for your informative content to generate traffic to your website.

Also, check for any broken links in your content to prevent error messages when the reader tries to reach your pages.

You can also use basic SEO skills such as optimizing titles, subtitles, and the use of keywords in the content.

You can also Use white-label links and internal links in your articles. You can employ all the tactics to ensure you attain maximum results.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon