LenosTube.com Review 2024 – Is Lenos Safe for YouTube? Is It a Scam?

Lenos Review - Is It Safe for YouTube?

LenosTube Review 2024

WARNING: Lenostube.com is now a scam. They have stolen accounts and stolen peoples money. Do business elsewhere or you are at risk!

One of the factors that will boost your YouTube channel involves monetization. Will monetization really help you boost your YouTube revenues? The answer is yes, but you do have to do it right.

You need to first establish your niche, brand, and channel to become popular on YouTube.

It seems more daunting than it is, we can assure you, especially if you have the right tools at your fingertips.

One tool of which we speak is LenosTube.com, which is a service that can help you establish your brand and boost your engagement on the YouTube platform.

Let’s forge on and take a look at Lenos’ monetization solutions, and then how you can buy watch hours to further boost your content. 


What is LenosTube?

Lenos, or LenosTube offers safe and effective methods for monetizing your YouTube channel(s). 

The people behind this service are experts specializing in and concentrating on the idea of quality content creation and YouTube promotions through monetization and other resources. 

Essentially, the team behind the social media marketing service has performed well on YouTube for several years, making them adept with the policies, guidelines, rules, and solutions that work on YouTube. 

The idea behind this service is to provide you with high-quality monetization that sticks to the rules of YouTube, so you have no worries about issues on the platform.

While the offerings on Lenos are laser-focused on the YouTube platform only, its offerings are vast and specialized, which is what makes this service unique.

Their offerings are YouTube friendly 100 percent.

Other offerings you will find on this website include comments, views, subscribers, comments, and watch hours.

We will be primarily covering their monetization packages, but we will also give the watch hours offerings some coverage in this review.

LenosTube YouTube Monetization

Lenos YouTube Monetization

If you have been searching for YouTube monetization or monetized channel help, you have probably found some pretty interesting offerings out there.

For instance, the offerings that claim to deliver pre-monetized channels at a cost. It seems legit, right? However, this could just be another scam you want to avoid.

While these channels may look appealing on the surface, mimicking real channels to the viewer, YouTube’s algorithm awaits in the wings to uncover its scam.

Then, the account/channel gets banned or at least suspended, leaving the owner of said account/channel with a poor reputation and almost no credibility on the platform.

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Therefore, the idea that you can buy a YouTube channel that has already been monetized safely without alerting the platform’s algorithms, you are going to be disappointed. 

That said, Lenos monetization has found a way that is legal, approved, and effective. This service offers YouTube channels that fit all requirements of YouTube’s terms for monetization, etc.

Only at the moment of ownership does the process of monetization begin.

Because you are the owner of the account where the channel is found, there is nothing to stop you from earning an income from that monetization.

There is no reason whatsoever for the algorithm to flag the channel or account. Your AdSense account is also your own without having to transfer ownership.

It makes sense, right? It is your account, your channel, your monetization, your AdSense, so the algorithm will not notice it.

LenosTube Monetization Offerings

lenos monetization

The channels offered by Lenos come in a variety of niches, each with at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. As soon as you take ownership, you are monetized and ready to roll. 

Every channel gets its own high-quality banners, graphics, and niche-related content.

The metrics for the starter option of 1,000 subscribers with 4,000 watch hours are not the same as those from spam farms and bots. 

These are grown organically on the platforms with real engagements from active users. That equals consistently high retention and engagement rates now and in the future. 

It takes about one week to get your monetized account all set.

Why does it take a week? Well, Lenos could deliver you a pre-monetized account, but that will put your account at risk of suspension, so gradual monetization is a much better option.

It protects you and your account, so you can grow and engage as usual. 

What About Those Lenos YouTube Watch Hours?

Now that you understand the basics of the monetization option for YouTube channels on Lenos, we will discuss the basics of watch hours.

If you have a YouTube account, you already know that buying a new YouTube channel is the same as struggling to start one on your own, only it could come with risks.

At the very least, you are not going to get any attention from the algorithms, which means your content will not be seen.

Can LenosTube Help?

lenos yt watch hours

Yes, LenosTube can help you get watch hours. Just one package of 4,000 watch hours is a good place to start. This is what gets your channel qualified (eligible) for monetization.

The watch hours, or video views, from this service are sourced from organic engagement, real users who are active, so your account is never at risk. There are no fake followers or engagements.

All you do is type in how many watch hours will get you to 4,000, and you will have that part done. You may even get a few more for good faith.

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The process of using these organic, natural methods to promote on social media is unique and helpful to you. It gives you the edge.

YouTube’s requirement for your channel is that you have at least five videos for watching. The longer these videos are, the better off you are.

Once you do this through the LenosTube site, you will become a YouTube partner in a short time.

Please remember that your account and its content cannot infringe on any of YouTube’s copyright rules or policies. Be sure you are posting original content that belongs to you and is not plagiarized in any way.

If you fail to post original content and violate the copyright rules, those 4,000 watch hours will be of no value to you.

Your content will get declined, so no quality and original content, no watch hours, resulting in no exposure.

Since Lenos offers both monetization and watch hours with its channels, you can be eligible for partnership faster, but also safely, securely, effectively, and organically.

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Review Final Verdict

We highly recommend LenosTube for your YouTube growth and revenues. This service passed all our metrics, so we are confident that you are safe with this service.

You can expect your YouTube channel presence to be boosted within one to two weeks. It is done this way for your protection and safety.

You can get out of the YouTube low-ranking rut and step out of the ambiguity bubble with the offerings of Lenos. 

Monetization is a priority for your YouTube channel and videos. Monetization gets you more real views and real subscribers in time.

Depending on how good your video content is, and the popularity of your niche, you could be raking in the revenues sooner than later. 

All you need to do is create and share high-quality, relevant, unique content on your YouTube channel to make things happen and to maintain your presence. 

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Avatar of Jonathon Spire
My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories.And now, for the last 8 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.In my spare time I dabble in crypto and various types of automation.
Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

2 thoughts on “LenosTube.com Review 2024 – Is Lenos Safe for YouTube? Is It a Scam?”

  1. I’m not sure if I should believe the LenosTube.com review or not. I’ve never heard of the company before, and the only thing I can find on them is a negative review. I’m not sure if I should


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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon