Five Innovative Tools For Enhancing E-commerce Customer Experience

When it comes to e-commerce, the competition is fierce. You need customer loyalty to keep things moving along.

When you take steps to provide your client base with an exceptional shopping experience, you set the stage to stand out in the industry.

With so much technology at our fingertips, it is important to know and understand the best possible options for you to invest in. 

Take a look at these 5 innovative tools for enhancing your customer experience through e-commerce. Before you know it, you will be driving growth and improving customer satisfaction overall. 

1. Try Out Chatbots Or Virtual Assistants

The truth is that you cannot be everywhere at once. Sometimes people need a simple answer and they just can’t find what they are looking for.


Chatbots and virtual assistants are not designed to eliminate the need for customer service. Instead, they provide support to your service and may even improve your service by offering a quick response. 

Most people have used a chatbot at one time or another. While some people still prefer a personal touch, a lot of consumers appreciate the ability to get a quick answer when possible.

In some cases, it may even just be the chatbot greeting them and offering them solutions but then redirecting them to personal service when it’s necessary. 

2. Advanced Shipment And Tracking Solutions

Have you ever placed an order and then wished you could get it immediately? Sometimes playing the waiting game is just overrated.

The challenge that many businesses face with e-commerce is the ability to ship quickly and provide secure shipment tracking during the process.

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Shipping as a small business is challenging, but you need solutions that allow you to keep up with demand and track every last movement of a package. 

Utilizing systems that provide advanced tracking is an innovative approach that will ensure your customer has a better experience from start to finish.

You have the transparency of knowing the location and expectations of packages in transit and so do your customers.

When you can provide a customer with clear and secure tracking information, it takes the burden off your shoulders of handling excessive inquiries.

Most of the time, it also helps to mitigate delivery and shipment issues that you face along the way. 

3. Personalization Engines

Personalization reigns supreme in every business structure. Your customers want personalization and they want to feel important. To be successful in e-commerce, you need to be able to do just that.

Personalization engines provide this service for you and help customers discover and explore in the process. The engines use an algorithm to track customer data as well as their behaviors.

You know when you speak about something you want and then you open Facebook to find ads for that? It’s a similar concept, but on a smaller scale. The engines track how a customer searches and what they look at.

It learns their styles and preferences and then starts showing them targeted content and recommendations based on those details. The customer soon has a tailored experience that can help build loyalty and satisfaction. 

Augmented Reality Solutions

4. Virtual Try On Or Augmented Reality Solutions

Have you ever considered a virtual try on solution? When you have any type of accessories, clothing items, or wearables, it’s a great solution.

The challenge to online shopping is people want to see a realistic view of their item before they buy it.

Obviously, they can’t try everything on, but you might be able to satisfy the need for a better visual with AR or virtual try on solutions. 

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This is a carefully crafted space that gives your online customers a virtual dressing room. It doesn’t have to be clothing either.

Many furniture stores and even home design stores have started adding virtual rooms where you can test out furniture or certain room designs before purchasing. It provides inspiration and it just might be the factor they need to finalize a sale! 

5. Predictive Analytical Software

Finally, you need ways to predict and prepare to meet your customer needs. How do you do that? You use software that will look at trends and behaviors, review historical data, and even forecast the future in some ways.

This software is all about analyzing what has happened, what consumers are interested in, and then utilizing that data to help you succeed.

You can track many of these things through extensive research, but using tools that do the tracking for you and make recommendations makes it so much easier! 


These five innovative tools are simple ways to enhance your e-commerce practices and cater to the customer needs.

It’s all about understanding what is available so that you can upgrade the customer shopping journey.

When you cater to the customer, you create loyalty and trust that keeps them coming back to you. Use these tools to deliver exceptional value and see how it impacts your business. 

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon