5 Benefits And 5 Dangers Of Relying On AI Generated Content

Unless you’ve been living under a rock this last year then you’ve almost certainly heard of artificial intelligence and its rise in the world of digital marketing.

Many people are hailing the arrival of ChatGPT and the likes as being a modern miracle, while others are still reluctant to embrace AI so willingly.

How do you feel about it?

If you haven’t quite made up your mind yet, read on and we’ll share 5 benefits and 5 dangers of relying on AI to generate content for you…

What Are 5 Benefits Of Relying On AI Generated Content?

Let’s start on a light note: what are the 5 benefits of relying on AI generated content?

1.) It Can Help Novice Writers Produce Content Faster

For novice writers who haven’t yet mastered the art of producing quality content at speed, AI can help them do so much, much faster.


Provided their prompts are on point, they can input some data and their chosen AI programme will get to work, churning out a new article in a matter of minutes.

Of course, there’s still an awful lot of editing required in order to ensure the piece is 100% readable. However, for the most part, new writers who have been embracing AI swear by its amazing potential.

2.) It Can Help You Conduct Research On Various Topics And Focus Keywords

Another great benefit to using AI is being able to use it as a research assistant of sorts.

If you find that you are struggling to think of what to write about next, or that you are spending too much time researching your subject matter, the use of AI can help speed the process up significantly.

3.) You Can Lower Costs As A Business

While you almost certainly shouldn’t fire all your writers, you can indeed reduce the size of your team, keeping a select few creatives on to drive the AI and quality check everything that comes back.

It may be tempting, but AI really is not quite at the stage where you should be ditching your writers entirely.

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In fact, when compared to a high-quality writer, AI simply cannot compete – even if it can produce content faster.

The same applies with artwork and design. You can use AI to handle some minor graphic design jobs but again, the quality is not quite there.

We recommend keeping a few graphic artists around – or outsourcing to third-party designers.

4.) Help You To Think Up Titles And Headlines

Similar to coming up with topics and producing content, the likes of Chat GPT can also churn out compelling titles and headlines for your content as well.

This is especially handy if you have a keyword or set of focus keywords that you would like some SEO-optimized titles and headers for.

5.) You Can Maintain Consistency

While the best writers can certainly churn out high-quality work at a reasonable pace, unfortunately we humans do struggle and burn out sometimes.

The good news however, is that using AI you can maintain a certain level of consistency and meet your content deadlines whether you are “in the zone” or not.

What Are 5 Risks Of Relying On AI Generated Content?

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits, not let’s take a look at the darker side of using AI to generate your content.

1.) You Lose Your Ability To Write Well

This is particularly important if you are just beginning to find your groove as a writer; relying too heavily on AI to generate content for you, you can lose your ability.

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You will no longer challenge yourself to improve your craft when you can simply rely on AI to do everything for you instead.

In truth, this might not be the end of the world – since it appears that AI is very much here to stay.

In any case, if you are passionate about writing and your work now has you using AI as your primary focus, you should continue creating your own works on the side to keep the creativity flowing.

2.) You May Be Accused Of Plagiarism

Unfortunately, there is still a lot of ambiguity surrounding AI generated content and plagiarism laws.

It could be that when you produce a piece of AI content and don’t do much in the way of editing, that it ends up reading strikingly similar to another website’s content. This can prove troublesome, especially if they slap a plagiarism lawsuit on you.

In order to avoid this, you should be certain to edit all your AI generated content and put your own spin on it. Use AI to write the framework and then fill in the gaps!

3.) The Content Is Not That Good Yet

Understand that the people who are raving about how good AI is at writing content are typically not writers themselves. Which means that AI can produce half-decent content and it will impress the average person.

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However, to most qualified writers, the level at which AI can currently perform is unsatisfactory.

Speaking from personal experience, I find that using AI actually slows me down because I have to go in and rewrite everything to meet my standard.

Make no mistake, AI content will be exceptional soon enough, but for now, if you wish to maintain a competitive edge, we’d recommend keeping some decent writers on the books.

Artificial intelligence is making great leaps – but there’s a long way to go.

4.) AI ‘Hallucinates’ And Not All Info Provided Is True

If AI doesn’t know the answer to a question it won’t say: “I’m sorry, I don’t know that.” Instead it will “hallucinate” which is a polite way of saying “lie out of its arse”.

Artificial intelligence must be regulated. You need someone driving the software and double checking all information that comes back.

Failing to do this could be a big mistake as you can end up sharing information “as gospel” only for one of your audience to poke holes through it. This can be very damaging for your reputation.

5.) It Can Stifle Your Creatives

The imagination is a muscle that must be flexed regularly – otherwise it will atrophy.

Yes, AI has such awesome potential and can be very fun to use, but don’t let your creatives conduct every single task using such software.

They need to stay creative which means challenging themselves to conjure up new ideas – rather than simply relying solely on AI. 

Final Thoughts: AI Has Great Potential But It Isn’t “There” Yet

Many businesses have jumped the gun far too soon and are firing their creatives and ditching their digital marketing agencies under the assumption that they can use AI to take care of absolutely everything for them.

It’s not there yet.

You can save money but the quality of work you produce will take a massive hit as well.

So, use AI by all means, but do not put all your eggs in one basket. For example, if you want to master your SEO and start getting more traffic to your website, don’t expect AI to be able to get you the results you need.

Instead, hire an SEO company in Dubai with a wealth of experience and overwhelming social proof. AI is good, but there’s no way it can compete with that level of collective talent. Not for a long while yet! 

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon