Understanding And Developing Good Study Habits

Many people think about elementary school, high school, or even college when they hear the word “study”.

However, there are other times in your life when studying is as important as it was back then. 

You may decide to take a course on taxes, enroll in an Oakland real estate school, or help your own children navigate school. Understanding good study habits will make any further education you decide to take on much easier. 

To help you out a bit here, we’ll cover a few of these habits you should develop below. Hopefully, you’ll find at least one to make your education journey just a little bit easier.

Stay Organized

Staying organized is incredibly important when studying.

Procrastinators may find a disorganized folder or binder a good way to dodge studying since they’d struggle to find their notes, but this will only increase anxiety and stress and decrease productivity and efficiency. 

Keeping your notes, assignments, previous tests, and all other class material organized will allow you to go through and see what you were taught, what you may need to go over a bit more, and what topics you may not need to cover as in-depth.

Doing so will also help you keep track of your assignments. You can also increase your organization by setting reminders of test dates and assignment due dates to help you focus on what you need to complete next. 

For example, you may need to decrease how hard you study for Friday’s test for a few days if you need to complete an assignment that’s due on Wednesday. A good organization system that makes sense to you will make succeeding in class much easier.

Study Regularly and Avoid Cramming

Study Regularly and Avoid Cramming

Studying regularly will not only help you avoid cramming but will also be more beneficial in the long run.

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Cramming may help you get a good grade in the short term but will end up being detrimental as you forget most, if not all, of what you previously studied once the test is over. 

While this can seem fine for a while, the habit will come back to bite you when it’s time to study for a big test or exam, so try to study regularly instead. Review old material occasionally and review once a week to keep your knowledge sharp. 

You’ll be able to remember more of what you studied this way, which can prove to be beneficial when it comes time for pop quizzes. It will also make studying the night before a test easier as you’ll have less to go over. 

Regular studying also allows you to be flexible. For example, you can choose to study a bit more in one week if you had to focus elsewhere the previous week.

Setting up and sticking to a schedule will also make studying much easier as it puts your mind in the right space for going over and retaining information.

Find A Good Study Spot

Speaking of good space, finding the right study location is also important, and the place where you study needs to be calm, quiet, and semi-private. Let’s say you want to study in your bedroom—is your bedroom organized and clean? 

If not, then you either need to find a different spot or clean and organize it so it can be used.

A cluttered space will make you feel claustrophobic and can stress you out. The volume is self-explanatory; loud noises make studying difficult by creating distractions. 

The privacy part is a bit subjective, though. If you prefer to study alone, you may need a room with a closable door or a spot in the park that people rarely visit.

If you don’t mind others being around, then a library or quaint cafe may be good options to use. 

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In the end, try to do what’s best for you and your habits to help make studying as easy as possible.

When In Doubt Ask For Help

When In Doubt, Ask For Help

There’s no shame in struggling with a subject. If your studying just isn’t helping you understand a subject or lesson, then don’t be afraid to ask for help or utilize tutoring services.

If you’re in college, you can speak with your professor or see what kinds of study help options the school offers. An online course may provide additional help as a feature. 

There are also plenty of online guides and videos available to help you. If all else fails, you can always go to a tutoring service and request assistance that way. Help is out there; don’t be afraid to seek it out.

Developing Better Habits For Better Results

Developing good study habits will not only help you pass tests and exams but it will also allow you to remember the information you learned. 

This is important as it allows you to think on subjects and develop not just the knowledge, but a deeper understanding of the knowledge that will help it make the most sense to you and your learning style. 

While we’ve covered a few good studying habits here, there are a lot more that you can use to help make your study time easier. Now, all that’s left to do is find the system that works best for you.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon