How Is Guest Posting Advantageous For Digital Marketers?

Most digital marketers will agree that blogging is one of the most effective ways to promote a certain company. In fact, 80% of bloggers said blogging drives sales forward.

However, as the competition rises, digital marketers employ different strategies to stand above the rest. And one of them is guest posting, where you or someone else write informative content for other authoritative websites.

If you wish to boost your business through guest posting services, here are some reasons you must do so today!

1.) Builds Authority

One of the biggest advantages of hiring guest post services is that you can build authority through this simple strategy. The more quality content you put out there, the more credible you will become.

Readers will understand that your brand isn’t just like any other industry. But, of course, you must deliver thoroughly-researched content that can be trusted with eyes closed.

In a world where incorrect information spreads like wildfire, you can change the narrative by collaborating with a blogger who writes accurate and unique things.

2.) Increases Backlinks

Another advantage of a guest posting service is that it can improve the quality of backlinks leading to your site. You might already know how important it is to create strong backlinks in digital marketing.

So, if you choose a “relevant” site for which to write a guest post, it will definitely up your game. For example, you should not pick a lifestyle website if you’re dealing in tech and vice versa.

However, you must ensure that the backlinks strategy aligns with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines to avoid penalties.

3.) Better Organic Traffic

Most marketers and business owners utilize guest blogging to improve their SEO rankings. This is because guest posting on authoritative sites leads to a natural boost in organic traffic.

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Further, when web crawlers and strong backlinks crawl your website are found, your site can rank much higher than before.

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Therefore, creating a backlink from a guest post shows Google or Bing that your website is authentic and full of informative content.

This will urge more people to visit your website and read through the blogs.

4.) Higher Ranking Against Competitors

Guest posting is also advantageous in the form of domain authority. In simple terms, domain authority is like a search engine ranking system where each website is ranked against its competitors.

The higher the ranking, the better the website. Here too, backlinks play an important role.

Each time your website receives a trustworthy backlink from another site, the trusted domain shares a small portion of its authority, and your DA (Domain authority) rises.

If your domain authority is high, you can even attract guest bloggers to your site, further improving your brand. Moreover, even your readers will engage a lot more.

5.) Greater Brand Awareness

Even if your company sells high-quality products and has a great customer service team, it shouldn’t surprise you if most people aren’t even aware of your brand.

Most millennials don’t trust advertisements, even the ones on the internet, so you need to turn to guest blogging to improve your authenticity.

If you’re hiring a professional writer to do the guest posting for you, he/she will ensure that your name and brand name are so wisely integrated into the content that people cannot miss it.

This will boost your brand awareness without making you sound desperate or sales-y.

6.) Attracts High-quality Traffic

Increasing traffic is great, but what’s even better is generating high-quality traffic. This means most people visiting your brand will be your ideal customers.

Guest posting can ensure you pull in visitors already interested in your offerings. So if you’re picking relevant websites for guest blogging, you’re already on the right track.

Moreover, it’s not really that difficult to understand the right keywords and phrases that will attract high-quality traffic.

7.) Offers Constructive Feedback

Digital marketing, like any other branch of business, is bound to go through much trial and error.

Many strategies might turn out to be great, while others can be complete failures. But if you really want to find the “X” that hits the spot, you need to keep experimenting and reviewing its success.

One benefit of guest posting services is that they give you honest insight into what people really want.

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In addition, you get constructive community feedback from your customers and audience through the comment section of each blog.

This can help you understand your strengths and areas that need improvement. In fact, sometimes you stumble upon such an insightful comment that it can change things 360 degrees going forward – for the better, of course!

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8.) Leads To Network Expansion

When you’re building a brand, you need to network with people in the industry. And if you’re ever confused about where to start, look no further than guest blogging.

Several people across the industry may be willing to offer you help, but if you don’t know who they are and how they can help, your efforts will be futile. Guest posting can give you a medium to reach them.

Guest posting services can create a big web of communication with multiple site owners, readers, and writers alike.

9.) Boosts Social Media Growth

If you write “quality” content for other websites, they are sure to give you a shoutout on their social media platforms – and when you share it on your profile, it naturally drives their following to your profile.

This adds to your following and your social media viewership, leading to all-around social media growth.

10.) It Makes You A Better Writer!

It may not be a direct benefit as a digital marketer, but great writing skills always come in handy.

If you regularly guest post on other websites, it improves your ability to create content for your website.

Further, you can take cues from the comments of your guest posts and apply them in your own content as well.

Over To You…

These are just a few of the very many advantages of guest posting services in digital marketing. So what are you waiting for? Either start doing it today or look for someone who can do it for you!

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon