Why Businesses Need A Digital Workplace In 2023

The speed of change around us is rapidly increasing. Employees have already started to migrate from traditional offices to co-working or switch to remote work.

So, in 2023, companies have already started to think more about how to improve working conditions for their remote employees.

Thus, the digital workplace is exactly the right tool today to increase employee happiness and, at the same time, reduce capital expenditures.

If you want to get more info about the usefulness of a digital workplace for businesses, please scroll down to get the details. 

What Is A Digital Workplace? 

Back in 2009, Paul Miller, the founder of the Digital Workplace Group, used the term “Digital Workplace” for the first time.

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In 2012, P. Miller published a book titled “The Digital Workplace: How Technology Is Liberating Work.”

Moreover, in collaboration with Elizabeth Marsh, DWG’s Director of Digital Work Research, he published another bestseller titled “The Digital Renaissance of Work: Delivering Digital Workplaces Fit for the Future.”

It was in these books that the authors tried to deal with the term “digital workplace” and give it a clear definition.

Although the term itself has been used actively for several years already, there is still no single universal definition.

More often than not, a “digital workplace” refers to the virtual equivalent of the physical workplace, which includes all the technologies that allow remote teams to work with documents, perform tasks, and collaborate with colleagues online from any place in the world.

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These technologies include various business apps, instant messaging, corporate social media, virtual meetings, cloud storage, etc. Overall, the digital workplace takes into account:

  • Employees’ work methods and styles;
  • The scope of all the necessary tools for performing tasks successfully; 
  • The workplace and work culture. 

Benefits Of A Digital Workplace For Businesses In 2023

A digital workplace can provide various types of businesses with plenty of advantages in 2023.

Though there are plenty of them, we would like to enumerate the key ones. Consequently, the implementation of digital workplaces helps businesses to:

1.) Enhance Communication And Interaction

The newest digital workplace tools allow you to build effective interaction with colleagues and, therefore, ensure efficient data exchange without time losses.

The thought-off digital workplaces help companies create team agility, improve collaboration and employee engagement, mitigate conflict, build a strong corporate culture, as well as strengthen relationships with employees and customers.

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2.) Improve Performance

The newest digital tools help define KPIs that can boost the user experience for customers and your teams with the help of digital workplace tools.

3.) Increase Flexibility

According to recent research, remote teams show the best performance when they have flexible work schedules.

When your employees can plan time for both work and leisure, they will give you the most out of their work. Hence, well-organized digital workplaces perfectly help to find this balance.   

4.) Decrease Operational Costs

Implementation of digital workplaces for remote teams will save you a lot of money. In particular, it concerns yearly savings in hotels, airfare, transportation, food, etc.

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Moreover, owing to perfectly organized digital workplaces, companies can save significantly on such utilities as electricity, office rent, heating, and other bills.  

5.) Increase profits

According to statistics, those companies that have implemented various types of digital workplace strategies on time have quickly experienced revenue bumps.

It happens owing to the outstanding productivity boost and decrease in operational costs.  

6.) Enhance Customer Experience

When your remote teams are happy with the working conditions that allow them to cope with their tasks easily, they will work more enthusiastically.

Therefore, they will treat customers in the best possible way. As a result, your company’s clients will also be happy, and they will order more goods and services.

Hence, correctly organized digital workplace strategies will develop your company and allow it to get more revenue.  

Final Words

Now, you see that the digital workplace is a vital issue for any successful business in 2023.

It provides companies with a vast number of advantages for both themselves and their employees.

Implementing the digital workplace will allow companies to grow and be sustainable in today’s challenging digital world.

Therefore, if you want your business to develop more successfully in 2023, you would better start employing digital workplaces as soon as possible.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon