8 Scheduling Tips For A More Productive Workday

Optimizing productivity within the business is important to its success. Sure, we all have our days where procrastination hits hard but understanding the methods and habits that get you out of that rut is useful to know.

The average employee is around 60% productive during their workday. The more productive, the better so if you feel you’re not working in or above that average, it might be worth revising your organization.

Building structure and scheduling into your working day help provide direction for employees.

Not only that but it highlights what needs changing in order to improve productivity in the workplace in general. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the best scheduling tips to help improve productivity in the workplace.

There are endless benefits to enhancing productivity within the workplace and ensuring that the working day is maximized to the fullest.

Table Of Content:

  • The benefits of productivity for a company
    • Why productivity matters
  • X scheduling tips for improved productivity
    • 1. Create a work schedule online.
    • 2. Review your calendar for the day.
    • 3. Ensure the working environment is appropriate.
    • 4. Set goals for the working day or week ahead.
    • 5. Invest in the right tools and software.
    • 6. Start with the tough tasks first.
    • 7. Take frequent breaks to reset and refuel.
    • 8. Manage workload with collaboration.
  • Why employee happiness is important for the workplace

The Benefits Of Productivity For A Company

There are plenty of long-term benefits that come with improved productivity in the workplace.

As a business, a productive team and workforce help enhance the performance and success that the company achieves. Some of these benefits include:

  • Great employee fulfillment which helps lower staff turnover rates
  • Improved customer/client experience and satisfaction
  • Increases overall sales revenue
  • Keeps your employees engaged for longer
  • Creates a positive company culture

Why Productivity Matters

Behind the most successful and reputable organizations, is a productive workforce. The value that productivity brings is priceless.

There’s minimal wastage when productivity is at its highest and the money being spent is being maximized in the best way possible.

When employees are engaged, they’re more productive and as a result, they contribute to an average increase of 21% in profits.

As a business, this rise in revenue is important to continue its growth, especially for small businesses and startups that need to utilize every opportunity.

Growth in productivity contributes to the general economy, providing your customers with more quality goods and services to consume.

8 Scheduling Tips For Improved Productivity

In order to maximize your day to the fullest, there are a number of top scheduling tips worth knowing.

By leveraging this knowledge, you too will be able to benefit your own business this year in productivity levels.

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1.) Create A Work Schedule Online

To help with people management, it’s worth it to create a work schedule online that helps plan out and coordinate the working day. 

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A platform like Agendrix, for example, offers everything needed to simplify shift work to help onboard new hires, manage employee working hours and provide constant communication.

With work schedules in place, it provides employees with a sense of direction on their working day.

At the same time, employees also benefit from better management and communication to help improve their engagement.

2.) Review Your Calendar For The Day

Before you dive into the workload for the day, review your calendar. Every day may be a little different, with more admin-based work one day and an abundance of meetings for the next.

Reviewing your calendar for the day helps to refresh your memory about what is being dealt with and what takes priority.

It’s always good to adjust your working day according to what deadlines need to be met first.

A well-organized calendar is going to positively benefit an employee’s management of their own work.

Instead of haphazardly bouncing from one task to the next, you’ve got a properly structured day ahead.

3.) Ensure The Working Environment Is Appropriate

Your working environment needs to support and enhance your productivity levels.

With Deloitte’s findings, 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is important to business success, and the environment created is influential to the company’s success.

With that in mind, any manager or supervisor within the office space needs to make a proactive effort when it comes to the workplace.

Stomping out on any toxic authorities and ensuring policies are in place to prevent workplace bullying and discrimination, are critical.

Providing this positive and safe working atmosphere encourages employees to flourish and remain engaged.

4.) Set Goals For The Working Day Or Week Ahead

Goal-setting is a habit within the workplace that is useful to do. According to research, 20% of people who write down their goals, are more successful in accomplishing them than those who didn’t.

To make the most out of your goal-setting, here are a few tips worth noting down when creating your list for the day.

  • Speak to your boss and team members for clarity on the work required
  • Be specific in the goals that need to be achieved
  • Set goals that you are able to measure over time
  • Ensure each goal is attainable for you and your team
  • Have deadlines to achieve goals sooner
  • Creating goals that are relevant to your work and your needs is more likely to be achieved than those that aren’t.

5.) Invest In The Right Tools And Software

There are a variety of great tools and software worth utilizing to maintain high levels of productivity and engagement within the working day.

Tools like Toggl are highly effective for those who struggle to manage their time productively.

It’s a time-saving app that tracks team and individual progress, helping integrate many other tools to help increase functionality and streamline tasks.

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Some tools and software help speed up the assignment of tasks and make fulfilling tasks a lot easier to do.

For example, those working in finance may find operating from multiple platforms takes too long. 

Instead of hopping from one screen, to the next, Flye is a useful expense management tool that links up with all your favorite accounting apps.

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That way, finance team members manage their work all from one platform instead of multiple.

6.) Start With The Tough Tasks First

It’s a habit that many have when it comes to working on a variety of tasks during the day.

The tougher tasks are the ones that we’ll likely avoid and do later. However, those tasks are the same ones that get put on the back burner until the deadline is looming.

With that in mind, consider facing the tougher tasks first and foremost. By approaching with this method, you remove the most challenging first and the rest of the working day is a walk in the park in comparison.

7.) Take Frequent Breaks To Reset And Refue

No one is able to operate at 100% productivity and engagement all day, every day. It’s almost impossible to maintain it when life gets in the way.

A regular workday may be impacted by a variety of factors. Something that happened in your personal life over the weekend, may not put you in the best mood for a Monday morning.

An employee may have plans to shift the majority of their workload for the day but they’re inundated with a request for help from other team members.

It may just be a case of feeling a little burnout and overstimulated sitting in front of a screen all day.

Taking regular breaks and time off to refuel or reset is essential. Even the most work-centric employees need to have time off or risk burnout. Burnouts are never useful and will hinder your work productivity as a result.

8.) Manage Workload With Collaboration

Collaboration is a highly effective attribute in the workplace because it brings together members of staff to lighten the workload.

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Regardless of what project you might be working on individually, it’s always worth making use of collaborative methods to quicken the completion.

The use of collaborative platforms is also recommended to help keep everyone involved on the same page.

Collaboration becomes less effective when everyone is singing from a different hymn sheet.

Why Employee Happiness Is Important For The Workplace

Employee happiness is important to focus on within the workplace. Happier employees are more engaged, with one study finding they’re 20% more productive than unhappy ones.

With more engagement, comes with it, increased productivity levels.

From creating a positive work culture to improving an employee’s personal well-being, it all helps contribute to a healthy working environment.

It encourages a more productive day overall and should be actively focused upon when improving productiveness in business.

Use Scheduling Methods To Improve Productivity In Your Working Day

If you’re looking to maximize your working days more effectively than they are currently, then scheduling methods like the ones above should be implemented.

Becoming more organized and efficient in your working day helps improve personal and business growth.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon