Tips On How To Make Great Christmas Content For Your Business Social Media Channels

Christmas is just around the corner, and if you own or run a business, you may be wondering how to put together some great festive content to drive up sales and boost your online visibility. But how to go about this? When you’re juggling so many balls, finding time to figure out and plan a campaign can easily get pushed to the back burner.

Creating top-level Christmas content, though, is vital for keeping up with your competition and maintaining the health of your bottom line, especially with so many of your customers likely to be feeling the financial pinch right now.

Luckily, devising and creating compelling seasonal content to use on your business’s social media channels is easier than you think: here are the tips and tricks you need to get started.

Get Seasonal With Your Storytelling

Take a leaf out of the big retailers’ book, and think about telling a heartwarming tale in your content or otherwise embracing a seasonal, cozy vibe. Plan a cohesive storyline for your content or a consistent element of seasonal branding.

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The idea is to tell a festive story and, if possible, connect with your audience emotionally. Your story needn’t be complex or require a ton of extras and props, but it must be professional. To this end, using a high-quality video editor is highly recommended.

Look for a suite of software that’s easy to use, and that’ll give you access to lots of innovative templates, SFX elements, and sound editing tools.

Create Some Festive Promotions

Festive competitions, giveaways, and promotions boost audience engagement and get new visitors into your online and/or offline store.

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It’s a good idea, when devising your promotions, to think about the best ways to drive traffic from your social media platforms to your business website. Perhaps, for example, your competition could involve asking your followers to send in their festive photos, a selection of which will be chosen to feature on your main website, thereby bagging the people who sent them in a prize.

Remember to tease any upcoming competitions on social media to generate some interest and excitement early!

Give Something Back

The Christmas period is the perfect time for your business to give something back to its local – or wider – community. Not only will charities or other causes benefit from your efforts, but your festive spirit will also be appreciated by your customers, helping to foster a positive brand image. Win-win!

There are many ways to help out. You could ask for donations directly or focus on raising awareness and perhaps donating a portion of your profits over the festive period to your chosen charity.

Alternatively, you could donate your time by helping out at an event held by your cause or work with a charity to create a bespoke range of items to sell in your online and offline store.

Create A Sense Of Community

Positivity is vital at this time of year and when you’re putting together your festive content for social media, try to create a sense of community.

To do this, ensure your videos and other content are uplifting and offer a hopeful look to the year ahead. Find ways to connect with your viewers, to foster a sense of ‘we’re all in this together.’

Looking back over the past year’s struggles but ultimate successes is an excellent way to develop this sense of community; you could also consider including some of your followers’ relevant experiences or stories – with their permission, of course!

Put Together A Gift Guide

Creating a seasonal gift guide to showcase your products or services and detailing why each would make a fabulous present could be a really effective addition to your seasonal social media strategy.

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Many people turn to social media for inspiration regarding their Christmas shopping, and one in three Americans report that social media has influenced their buying decisions.

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Make the most of this trend by producing a gift guide to help people pick the perfect present from your product range! You could also consider including some discount vouchers in your guide, as an extra enticement.

Make A Christmas Countdown

Add some festive fun to your social media platforms by introducing a Christmas Countdown to your page! As well as boosting audience engagement, interactive countdowns are an excellent way to keep your customers updated on new products, services, and promotions.

There are many ways to introduce a countdown to your social media – you could even make a video countdown by posting short, interactive videos daily throughout December that showcase the best of your festive catalog.

Get Ready: Holidays Are Coming!

There are near-infinite ways to get in the Christmas spirit and create great festive content that’ll engage your audience, and hopefully, the ideas above have helped to inspire you!

However small or newly set up your business may be, Christmas is the perfect time to connect with your customer base, spread goodwill, and strengthen your brand image and visibility.

Well-thought-out social media content can help to make the season a sparkling one for your business and position it perfectly for 2023. 

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon