Techniques To Defend Against Rising Bot Traffic

Businesses of all sizes struggle to deal with the increasing levels of bot traffic. These automated programs can do much damage, including stealing your data, spamming your customers, and even taking over your website. This blog post will discuss some techniques you can use to defend against these attacks and keep your business safe!

What Are Bot Traffics?

Bot traffic is a type of internet traffic created by automated scripts, also known as bots. These scripts can be used for various purposes, including scraping content, generating fake traffic, and launching denial-of-service attacks.

While some bot traffic is benign, much of it is malicious and can seriously threaten businesses and individuals. As the internet has become increasingly essential to our way of life, bot traffic has grown in sophistication and scale, making it one of the most pressing issues facing the online community today.

Luckily, there are steps that businesses and individuals can take to protect themselves from bot traffic. By understanding what bot traffic is and how it works, we can help make the internet safer for everyone.

Techniques To Defend Against Rising Bot Traffic

As we all know, bot traffic is on the rise. There are a few things you can do to defend against this growing threat:

1) Exclude Bot Traffic From Google Analytics

One way to prevent bot traffic from skewing your Google Analytics data is to exclude it from your reports. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common is to create a filter that excludes all traffic from known bots and spiders.

You can create such a filter by selecting your Google Analytics account’s Admin section and the Filters tab. From there, you can add a new filter and select the Exclude option. Be sure to enter the appropriate bot-related information in the Filter Pattern field to keep your data accurate.

You can also find out how to exclude bot traffic from google analytics in the article by Datadome. 

By taking this simple step, you can ensure that bot traffic doesn’t distort your Google Analytics reports.

2) Use A Captcha

A CAPTCHA is a short test used to prevent bot traffic on websites. CAPTCHAs are typically short, distorted strings of letters and numbers that are presented in an image. To pass the CAPTCHA, users need to enter the characters they see in the image.

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Although CAPTCHAs can be annoying for users, they’re an effective way to prevent bots from spamming web forms or signing up for multiple accounts. For this reason, CAPTCHAs are often used on registration, login, and contact forms.

Implementing a CAPTCHA is a good option if you’re looking for a way to prevent bots from accessing your website.

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3) Implement Rate Limits

To prevent bot traffic, it is recommended that site owners implement rate limits. Rate limits are a set of rules that restrict the number of requests a user can make within a given period. By limiting the number of requests a user can make, it becomes more difficult for bots to mimic human behavior and gain access to restricted site areas. 

In addition, rate limits can help prevent denial-of-service attacks, which occur when a malicious user attempts to overload a server with requests to prevent legitimate users from accessing the site. As a result, rate limits are an effective means of protecting a site from both bot traffic and denial-of-service attacks.

4) Monitor User Activity

User activity monitoring is a critical security measure that can help prevent bot traffic and other malicious activity. You can quickly identify suspicious behavior and take steps to prevent it by tracking user activity.

Many user activity monitoring tools are available, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Some popular options include web traffic monitoring, session monitoring, and user behavior analytics. By monitoring user activity, you can keep your site safe and secure.

5) Block Known Bad IP Addresses

One way to prevent bot traffic is to block known bad IP addresses. This can be done by maintaining a blacklist of known bad IP addresses and refusing traffic from those IPs. While this will not prevent all bot traffic, it can help to reduce the amount of unwanted traffic from automated programs. 

Additionally, blocking known bad IP addresses can help to improve the overall security of your website or application. By doing so, you can help to ensure that only legitimate traffic can access your site or app and that bots are not able to cause harm by exploiting any vulnerabilities.

6) Monitor Failed Login Attempts

One of the best ways to prevent bot traffic from reaching your website is to monitor failed login attempts. You can quickly identify and block IP addresses consistently trying to access your site without success by tracking these attempts.

This will not only prevent bots from wasting your resources but also help protect your site from more sophisticated attacks that may use similar methods.

In addition, monitoring failed login attempts can give you valuable insights into potential security threats and help you to improve your overall security posture. As such, it is essential to any website’s security strategy.

7) Maintain Zero Trust Policy

A zero-trust policy helps to prevent bot traffic by ensuring that all traffic is treated as untrustworthy. This means that all traffic, regardless of its source, is inspected and verified before allowing access to your systems.

By tightly controlling access to your systems, you can prevent malicious bots from gaining a foothold on your network.

In addition, a zero-trust policy can also help to improve your overall security posture by making it more difficult for attackers to gain access to your systems.

8) Use Honeypots

A honeypot is a computer system designed to mimic a real system’s behavior to lure in potential attackers and prevent them from attacking the real system.

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When an attacker attempts to access a honeypot, they interact with a decoy set up specifically to detect and track malicious activity. Honeypots can be used to prevent bot traffic by imitating the behavior of a real user. 

For example, a honeypot can be designed to mirror the website’s login page. When a bot attempts to access the login page, it will be redirected to the honeypot instead.

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The honeypot can then capture the bot’s IP address and prevent it from accessing the real website. By using a honeypot, you can prevent bot traffic without having to block all IP addresses.

9) User-Agent Switcher to Detect and Block Bot Traffic

A User-Agent Switcher is a browser extension that allows you to prevent bot traffic. Bot traffic is generated by automated software, and it can be used to attack websites or steal information. When you install a User-Agent Switcher, it will automatically detect and block bot traffic. 

This can help to prevent your website from being attacked or your information from being stolen. Many different User-Agent Switchers are available, and they all have different features. Some of them are free, while others are paid. You can choose the one that best suits your needs.

10) Monitor Server Logs

Monitoring server logs can help prevent bot traffic. By tracking the activity of various IP addresses, webmasters can identify which ones are responsible for the most traffic and take steps to block them. Additionally, monitoring server logs can help identify bots trying to access restricted website areas. 

By blocking these IP addresses, webmasters can prevent bots from causing any damage to a website. In short, monitoring server logs is essential to website maintenance and security.

11) Use Bot Prevention And Security Plugins

Security plugins identify and block bots’ attempts to access your site. They can also help to prevent bot-created spam and other malicious activity. In addition, they can provide you with valuable data about the activity of bots on your site. By taking advantage of these plugins, you can help to ensure that your website is safe from bot traffic.

Dangers Of Bot Traffic

Bot traffic can be dangerous for several reasons. Here are just a few:

  • Bots can slow down your website by making too many requests at once. This can frustrate users and cause them to leave your site
  • Bots can create fake accounts and flood your comments section with spam. This makes it difficult for real users to engage with your content
  • Bots can scrape your content and republish it on other sites without your permission. This can lead to lost traffic and revenue
  • Bots can launch denial of service attacks against your website, crashing it for everyone
  • Bots can collect sensitive information like credit card numbers and passwords
  • Bots can be used to spread malware and viruses
  • Bots can be used to generate fake traffic for advertising purposes. This can mislead advertisers and waste their money


As we’ve seen, bot traffic is becoming an increasingly pressing issue for businesses of all sizes. However, by arming yourself with the right knowledge and techniques, you can defend your website against these malicious bots and keep your business’s data safe.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon