How To De-Escalate Conflicts Between Managers And Employees

It’s only natural for conflicts to arise in a workplace setting. Everyone is different and has their core strengths and weaknesses.

With so many unique personalities converging in one place, the key to handling workplace conflicts between managers and employees is to remember that it can be healthy when done properly.

However, in many situations, things can escalate, leading to a tense situation even for those who aren’t involved in the conflict.

Negative conflicts can drive a wedge between teammates and managers. They can also reduce productivity and affect employee morale.

For these reasons, it’s imperative to learn ways to de-escalate conflicts between managers and employees for the greater good of the team and the company at large.

Team leaders and managers can learn to work harmoniously by enacting these tips.

Be A Compassionate Listener And Communicator

When you’re managing a workplace, one of the most important ways to manage a conflict with an employee is to be empathetic to the situation.

Compassionate Listener And Communicator

Everyone is going through something in their personal lives, and it’s important for people to feel understood while at work.

You should work towards understanding their perspective of the issue. In some cases, it may be something related to work, but in other cases, it could be something deeply personal.

Regardless, once you have gained this understanding, try to find ways to help resolve the issue without direct involvement.

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Encourage Meaningful Discussions

There will always be differences between leaders and employees as well as employees and their colleagues. Tensions could arise, but the key is addressing them in a positive way.

Remind your team that it is healthy to disagree and share ideas to find common ground. However, these ideas must be shared with respect and empathy so everyone can move forward.

Do Not Play The Blame Game

Blaming one another doesn’t do anything to help de-escalate conflicts. In fact, it’s like throwing gas on an open flame, serving to make it burn hotter, brighter, and stronger than before.

As a manager, you should acknowledge accountability where applicable and take responsibility for your actions. However, blaming your employee is bound to make the whole exercise of coming together fall apart.

It helps to look at a conflict from both perspectives. When you focus solely on your side, you’re not seeing what your employee sees in the situation.

To do this, you need to take a step back, and then re-engage while keeping your emotions and reactions in check.

You’ll get further by listening and calmly asking questions rather than lecturing. This allows you to act rationally and focus on problem-solving to lead the way.

Watch What You Say and Do

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid when attempting to de-escalate conflicts between managers and employees is to attack a person’s character.

Watch What You Say and Do

You may have been able to work through the conflict until doing something like this. You don’t want to ignore others or avoid listening to their perspective. It will only make an employee feel like you don’t care or respect their opinion.

Instead, actively listen and refrain from making broad overgeneralizations. No one ever wants to be told how they should feel in a situation.

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If you start sentences with “You never…,” it changes the tone of the conversation to one that is accusatory.

You don’t always have to be right, and there’s not a single person in the world who always is. Your goal should be working toward understanding one another rather than telling them why you’re right and they’re wrong.

Develop A More Empathetic Workplace And Team

When you’re the one in the middle of a dispute, it can be a challenge to take a step back, empathize, and try to move forward with a new perspective.

Seeing yourself with new eyes helps you confront your issues, and while it’s difficult, it helps you grow.

It also helps your employees grow when they see that they can make changes to themselves. They will be more motivated to do well and to use the same empathy with others on the team.

A discovery call with Peaceify may be just the thing your organization needs to get the ball rolling on healthy conflict to de-escalate major issues.

Your workplace can gain valuable knowledge and insight on how to come together more effectively, making the company more productive while improving the way employees feel at work. 

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon