Best Launchers To Manage Your Apps On Mac

Due to technological advancement, we are gifted with some of the most versatile apps that make our work simpler.

Without any hassle, users can automate their work using responsive apps and software programs designed to deliver the best features ever.

With so many apps stored on a computer, finding the right one becomes a daunting task, particularly when you need It just instantly.

It’s obvious and easy for the apps to lost in the sauce, but not finding the useful app when you need them the most can be chaotic.

So, what you can do in that situation? How would you be able to find the right app to continue working on your computer without any delays? If you are dealing with such a situation, the article is for you.

Read till the end to get enough information about app launchers for Mac.

What Are App Launchers?

App Launchers are programs that allow users to locate and open an app on the computer, regardless of the storage location.

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The apps make your work easier, but sometimes users forget the location of the app after saving it on the device.

In that case, app launchers help find these apps and turn them functional on the computer.

Despite having tons of third-party app launchers available in the market, Apple users prefer using the in-built program – Launchpad to open applications on Mac.

Let’s understand this tool in detail.

What Is A Launchpad?

Launchpad on Apple computers is a central location that gives you a glimpse of all the apps stored on your Mac so that you can easily open them when required.

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Whether the app you are looking for is stored in the Downloads folder or on the Desktop, Launchpad can easily detect and display it in the front.

Since Launchpad is a built-in app launching program, users often believe that third-party apps are more powerful. In that case, apps like Raycast can help.

For the uninitiated, Raycast is an app launcher, designed specifically for macOS, that automates file search making it easier for you.

Whether you are looking to open files or create shortcuts for apps to save your precious time for other tasks, Raycast can help.

For more detailed knowledge about the features and functions of the app, you may visit the most useful tips for using Raycast to manage apps.

However, if you wish to use Launchpad for finding and opening apps on your Mac computer, it’s good to ace the program by grabbing all relevant knowledge. Let’s learn the method to open Launchpad on Mac.

How To Open And Use Launchpad?

Opening the Launchpad on Mac is easy and you don’t have to click anywhere on the Mac to use it. To open Launchpad on Mac, click on the Launchpad icon displayed on the Dock.

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If you are finding for a particular app on Mac, type the name of the app in the search field available at the top of the Launchpad. Alternatively, search for the app on another page by swiping left or right till you locate the app.

Apart from finding apps on the Mac, you can use Launchpad to organize apps and files on the computer.

You can use Launchpad to move an app or move an app to another page. Creating an app folder is easy in the Launchpad as you will only have to drag the app over another app and the folder is ready.

To rename any file or app, click to open the folder, click on its name, and then fill in to add the new details.

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In addition, to add any app to the folder in Launchpad, you need to drag it over the folder.

Typically, the app that is downloaded and installed on the Mac from the App Store appears in the Launchpad automatically.

Why You Should Use Launchpad?

Basic accessibility features make your Launchpad even more simple. It turns your Mac into an iPad screen where you can see all the icons for apps, programs, and system utilities.

Similar to iPad and iPhone, you can store the app icons in different folders for easy and quick access.

When using the Launchpad as your app launcher program on Mac, you can take advantage of the keyboard-based access.

You can even set up custom keyboard shortcuts to navigate between apps and the arrow keys. Using the keyboard shortcuts, you can use the arrow keys to navigate between apps.

How To Enable Hot Corners To Use Launchpad?

Hot Corners on your Mac are the sheer end of the screen that gives you quick access to the features.

If you wish to add Launchpad to any Hot Corners on your Mac, click on the Apple logo and select System Preferences.

Click Mission Control, and then click Hot Corners. Now, select the corner of the screen you want to enable Hot Corners and click Launchpad. At last click OK to complete the process.

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon