Why Monitoring Your Application Is Important

In today’s digitally enabled world, organizations rely on ERP systems to manage their critical business processes.

Since the ERP system is critical for business continuity, it is important that it works perfectly well.

In our blog, why monitoring your application is important, we’ll highlight the importance of application monitoring and what you should look for in an application monitoring tool.  

What Is Application Monitoring?

The process in which monitoring of applications takes place in real-time on the basis of different performance metrics to ensure business continuity is termed as application monitoring.

Key performance indicators in application monitoring metrics help developers and system admins to keep track of its availability, resource use, bugs, and other vital aspects that may impact user experience.

Furthermore, actionable insights generated during application monitoring provide vital information that can be used to resolve any abnormalities and prevent downtime.

Why Is Monitoring Your Application Important For Business Continuity?

Application monitoring is critical due to following reasons:

To Identify Performance Issues

Application monitoring is critical to understand the performance of an application.

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Since no system stops working without any reason, application monitoring helps you gain insights about critical KPIs such as response time, CPU usage, error rates, request rate, garbage collection, and application availability.

Monitoring these KPIs help system administrators understand the performance of applications. In case, there is a gradual degradation in performance, they can take necessary action to avoid any disruption.

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To Gain Insights In The Complex Technology Stack

ERP applications have complex architectures. They are built in layers and often integrated with other applications.

If an issue occurs in one layer or application, there is a possibility that it may impact other dependent applications or layers.

With the help of application monitoring, you can easily understand which part of the application needs your attention.

To Identify Security Risks

Application monitoring isn’t limited to performance measurement. It is also vital for your application security.

As application monitoring keeps track of transaction data, anomalous readings, usage spikes, and other metrics, it helps system administrators to quickly identify malicious access that is affecting your network.

To Identify Bottlenecks

When you use a range of applications that are distributed across the entire ecosystem, it becomes difficult to manage IT due to data silos.

By providing a unified view of the entire application stack, application monitoring tools allow teams to collaborate and resolve issues like never before. 

What You Should Look For In An Application Monitoring Tool?

Ease Of Use And Implementation

Always opt for a tool that can be set up quickly and painlessly. As far as its operation is concerned, it can easily be used by both technical and non-technical users.

It should come packed with robust reporting capabilities so that collaboration can be done easily.


Always opt for an application monitoring tool that can auto discover the existing configurations of your ERP.

Tools like Opkey are not only self-configuring but also provide you code level details of transactions.

Using this information, administrators can reduce response time and prevent performance issues. 

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End-to-end Monitoring

Always opt for an application monitoring tool that acts as a centralized hub for an entire technology stack.

With this, technicians don’t have to log into each server individually to identify issues. This will also reduce the mean time to resolution (MTTR).

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Root Cause Analysis

Select an APM tool that can easily operate across complex applications that are tightly integrated and provide you actionable insights.

Opt for a tool that has the ability to generate patterns leveraging collected data and AI.

A tool that can generate patterns can help teams easily identify causes that lead to performance degradation. 

Business Impact Analysis

In a scenario where enterprise software vendors like Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, etc are rolling out quarterly, biannually, and yearly updates, understanding business impact after every release is of utmost importance for business continuity.

Opt for an application monitoring tool that offers change impact assessment so that testing can be done based on the risks.  


The APM tool must be capable of sending alerts whenever predefined thresholds are reached.  

Summing up

APM tools play a crucial role in optimizing the performance of applications.

Furthermore, they also help in reducing unnecessary downtime as  they can notify application managers about any unexpected behavior.

However, the key to success is the right apm tool. By following the above mentioned recommendations, you can easily find the tool that can keep business continuity intact.

For instance, tools that are capable of doing change impact assessment plays a critical role in ensuring business continuity post new releases. Hope you’ve understood the importance of application monitoring.  

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Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon