How to Start a YouTube Gaming Channel

How to Start a YouTube Gaming Channel in 2020

So, you’ve got a few friends that are petty good at gaming, and they’ve recently discovered the wondrous opportunities that YouTube has to offer.

They’ve told you about it and said that you’ve really got nothing to lose.

Are you convinced?

If not, you should be.

YouTube is one of the best platforms to make a go of gaming, and if you’re going to sit inside and do it all day, then why not make some money from it? 

Some of the biggest gamers make most, if not all, of their money from their YouTubers.

Take, for example, PewDiePie.

This YouTube sensation has been at it for years now and is currently one of the most followed YouTube channels ever – let alone in the gaming world.

So, you want to join the world of gaming on YouTube, but you’re not quite how? Let’s talk about it.

Let’s take a look at how to start a gaming channel on YouTube

Competitors Buying Views

Before we dive into discussing gaming channels on YouTube, there’s one thing that you need to know about standing out and beating your rivals.

If you’re really serious about being one of the best, you need to consider buying YouTube views – especially at the beginning.

Your competitors will be buying YouTube views to get ahead, so you definitely need to do it if you want to keep up.

The good news is that it’s completely above board, and there’s nothing in YouTube’s terms and conditions that say you can’t do it.

This really is one of your best chances of getting ahead of the competition – so make sure that you incorporate this into your gaming channel strategy.

Top Vendors of YouTube Views

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We cannot emphasise enough that the competition is buying YouTube live views – everyone’s doing it.

Let’s get on with it!

Starting a YouTube Gaming Channel

One of the hardest parts of becoming a YouTube personality is starting your own channel.

This is because there is so much competition out there like we talked about above that you have to bring something unique and exciting to the table – preferably novel enough that your audience can’t really get it anywhere else.

As well as buying views, make sure that you take the tips we have for you below and run with them.

1. Start with the Software

Windows Movie Maker

Before you begin on your mission to start and grow a YouTube gaming channel, you need to understand the tools behind the goals.

Most people use a camera to shoot their videos – however, some just use their laptop, depending on what kind of content they’re creating.

Either way, everything begins with video editing software.

You will need this to keep up with your rivals – if there’s someone out there who can edit better than you, then they’ve got you beat.

Becoming skilled at editing is going to be your best bet at doing really well, so this is one of the first things that you need to cross off the list.

Screen video capture or video recording:

screen video capture

A lot of the time, YouTube gamers will record themselves playing the game, instead of the footage from the game.

This is a nice personal touch that you can bring to your videos, as your audience will be able to see how you interact with the game and how passionate you are about it.

It’s also a nice, interactive way to include your audience.

If you want to record the video game footage so that your audience can see this too, then you’ll need to invest in video capture software.

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You’ll need audio recording:

audio recording

Some gamer channels out there team up with fellow gamers on podcasts, where they talk about interesting gaming topics and share their opinions.

While podcasts are usually intended to inform the viewer, they can also be there to make the audience laugh as well.

If you’re only going to be doing a podcast, then you’ll just need a microphone and some editing software.

You won’t need a capture card or software.

2. Be Consistent With Your Content

Gaming Channel

One of the biggest issues that you’re going to face when you first start your YouTube channel is not having enough content to put up.

You’ll have to prove yourself to other YouTubers out there, and the best way to do this is to come up with more and more content.

However, this is going to be hard in the beginning while you decide what kind of content to produce and how to produce if efficiently.

We recommend making one to two videos a day – it’s what successful YouTubers generally do.

One of the things that fans love about popular channels is that they’re consistent with the content – they can expect a new upload every day or two.

Don’t worry, though – even those super successful YouTube channels began somewhere.

You’ve just got to have the patience for the craft, and remember to focus on the quality of your content, over the quantity.

If someone comes across a video that you have made, visits your channel, and realize that the rest of your content is the same, they’re more likely to subscribe.

People are always trying to find YouTube channels that offer videos for specific games.

Make sure to keep at it – even if you’re only attracting a few viewers per day.

This will build as time goes on, and the more content you put out there, the quicker it will grow.

If there’s one thing to take away from this, it’s that viewers love consistency.

Make sure to come up with a unique, consistent style for your YouTube channel, and stick with this.

Your subscribers will learn to know what to expect from you, and this will help them stick around.

3. Share Your Videos Elsewhere

Video Share

Bringing traffic to your gaming channel on YouTube from other social media networks is a great way to boost your subscriber count.

When you post your content on other social media networks like Instagram and Facebook, you immediately increase the chances of it being shared among your other audiences.

If you’re going to put it on Twitter, we suggest that you use hashtags that are relevant to your content, so that people can easily find it when they’re searching for that topic.

If you’re going to share it on Reddit, make sure to include your video link when you post it to a subreddit for the games that you’re into.

People can like your content and upvote the link from the front page, which can ultimately end up attracting a lot of attention.

This is a good way to find people who are also into the same games so that you can get more subscribers on your YouTube channel.

4. You Need Subscribers to Grow


When you are trying to grow a YouTube channel, you not only need people to look at your content – you need people to subscribe to your channel.

As you might have already guessed, it’s harder to get subscribers on your gaming YouTube channel than it is to get views.

At the end of the day, subscribers are more valuable for your channel than views.

Of course, views are what make you the money, but if you don’t have subscribers, your channel won’t get the exposure that it needs.

The more subscribers you have on your channel, the more credible your channel will be to people checking it out.

People tend to gravitate towards channels that have more subscribers because they see this as more social proof.

When it comes to the YouTube gaming community, people want to be in the know about who’s successful and who’s not, which is why subscribers are worth their weight in gold. 

One way that you can help your channel get more subscribers is to buy your YouTube views, which we talked about at the beginning of this article.

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This is a great way to kickstart your channel so that your videos will appear to have more authority, and people will be more likely to subscribe to you when they visit your channel.

5. Stick to a Format

YouTube gaming

When it comes to the YouTube gaming community, there are some formats that are more popular than others.

The most popular formats for gaming videos are vlogs, talk shows, news, and opinion videos.

YouTube Gaming

Most of these formats include videos where you’ll be able to see gameplay footage, with a voiceover by the YouTuber.

They will discuss topics that relate to the game. People like to see someone playing the game and hear what they have to say about it.

Vlog videos are all about the personality of the YouTuber.

This is when you become the brand, and you find a way to relate to your audience directly.

You will have an opinion on the games that you play, and your audience wants to hear it.

Another format is guides and tips, where you can share your gaming knowledge with your audience so that they can learn how to play the game better.

Don’t worry, though – while this is a more informational format, you can edit it to be fun and entertaining.

This kind of format can be quite valuable to the audience.

Highlight and montage reel videos are fun, too, but they’re a bit older than other formats.

This is when you edit your videos just to include highlights of your gaming, and you usually do so with high-quality edits so that it’s entertaining to watch.

Viewers love this type of game viewing because they get to see the best parts of the game.

‘Let’s play’ videos is when the YouTuber will play the game like normal and wear a microphone so that they can record what they’re saying throughout.

They can also be seen on the screen, as well as a screenplay of the game itself.

If you’ve got a big personality and you consider yourself to be funny, then this could be a good format to try out.

From funny reactions to frustrating moments, your viewers will love seeing it all. 

6. Have Fun

It’s easy to get caught up in growing a gaming channel for YouTube – so much so that you completely forget to have fun.

You’ve got to find a good balance between taking it seriously and having fun – and remember, you’ve got to have a passion for doing it.

Remember that your viewers want to see someone who is truly authentic and passionate about what they’re doing.

If you’re just doing it for the money, then this is going to shine through pretty early on, and people won’t be able to form a connection very easily with your videos.

It’s also worth learning from those that have gone before you – they know what works and what doesn’t work, so lean on this understanding and use it to your advantage.


The world of YouTube gaming can be fun, challenging, exciting, and competitive.

It can also be rewarding if you are willing to put the hard yards in.

Most YouTubers that have gaming channels work really hard to get to a point where they’re happy, popular, and making a living from their content.

Remember to be consistent with that content, authentic, and find a format that works for you!

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Avatar of Jonathon Spire
My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories.And now, for the last 8 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.In my spare time I dabble in crypto and various types of automation.
Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

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– Jon