Octopus CRM Review 2025 – Is It a Scam?

Octopus CRM Review – Is It a Scam?

Octopus CRM is the kind of company that claims they can help you with your LinkedIn growth. We think this is true, which is why we have written a review of them below.

When it comes to the world of LinkedIn, there are many different reasons why you want to be on there.

If you are a professional in your industry or you have a brand that you are trying to expand online, then LinkedIn is the ideal platform to create a larger community.

However, just because it presents a lot of opportunities around your profession doesn’t mean that it is easy to grow your connections.

Just like any other social media platform out there right now, LinkedIn has its fair share of competition, and if you don’t already have an advantage by having been on there for a long time, you might have an uphill battle ahead of you.

I’m Jonathon Spire. I have spent enough time in the LinkedIn growth industry to know that there are a lot of companies out there that are looking for clients like you to help with their LinkedIn growth.

While this does mean that you have a few choices to choose from, it also means that there are those out there that you need to watch out for.

Some companies are legit and can help you safely, while others are shady and should be avoided at all costs.

With this in mind, let’s review Octopus CRM so that we can decide whether they’re the kind of company we want to recommend to you or not for your LinkedIn growth.

Octopus CRM Review 2025

Octopus CRM logo

Octopus CRM is a company that says they are an all-in-one LinkedIn automation software.

They say that they have helped thousands of LinkedIn users so far by simplifying their growth so that their business can do well on yet another social media network. This review agrees.

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What is Octopus CRM?

So, as we mentioned above in our review, Octopus CRM is one of those companies that seem to be pretty confident about what they do for their clients.

As well as offering a free trial for any potential client, they say that they can automate and simplify your work on LinkedIn so that you can leave your engagement growth in the hands of professionals who at least claim to know what they’re doing.

What are Octopus CRM’s Features?

Octopus CRM says that they want to help you send automated and personalized connection requests to your second and third-level connections on LinkedIn.

They also say that they want to help you message hundreds of first-level connections all at once so that you can ultimately end up saving a ton of time.

Another thing that they will help you do is automatically endorse up to 7 skills on the profiles of people who are already connected to you, and they will help you visit hundreds of new profiles automatically as well.

They want to help you connect with others, and they want to do it automatically, which we personally think is the one of the best approaches.

Review Key Features

  • Customized messages that are automated
  • Connection requests that are automated
  • Skill endorsements that are automated
  • Profile prospecting that is automated
  • LinkedIn sales funnels that can be customized
  • Advanced analytics
  • Transfer of contact information from LinkedIn
  • Helpful user interface
  • The ability to link campaigns
  • Easy to download contact information
  • Trial for free

Who is it Designed For?

  • B2C and B2B marketers
  • Small companies
  • Corporations and enterprises
  • Agencies

Why Did We Write this Octopus CRM Review?


Because we are digital marketers ourselves, we are always looking out for useful and helpful software that can make our reader’s jobs and lives a whole lot easier.

When we first came across Octopus CRM, we didn’t realize that it was going to change how we managed LinkedIn marketing for good.

They are definitely one of the most effective and practical automation software solutions for LinkedIn that we have come across.

One of the things that we love the most about this software solution for LinkedIn is that you can incorporate them into your generalized LinkedIn marketing strategy as a Chrome extension, which is going to significantly improve your lead generation.

One of the things that people use LinkedIn the most for is lead generation.

One of the most common activities under this umbrella include being able to browse people’s profiles, and then reach out to them through a connection request.

You might also want to reach out to them through a message as well.

The great thing about Octopus CRM is that they can automate all of these repetitive tasks for you, so that you can end up saving a lot of effort, money, and time.

However, we haven’t even talked in detail about the best part of Octopus CRM.

The best part is that it is available as a Chrome extension, so that you can link your LinkedIn account directly to your Chrome extension, which is going to make it incredibly easy to generate leads.

We wanted you to be able to gain access to this kind of software, so that you can make a massive difference to your LinkedIn marketing strategy right now and put your LinkedIn profile ahead of the competition.

So, let’s keep reading, and determine why Octopus CRM is the best software solution out there for your LinkedIn needs.

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What Can You Use Octopus CRM For?

Octopus CRM Use

One of the biggest reasons why Octopus CRM is so popular amongst its clients is because of how easy it is to use.

It is also super-efficient, which means that you can automate tasks effortlessly, meaning that you can save hours of your own personal time every week by using software like this.

Another thing that we love about this software solution is that they have a customer support team that is always on the sidelines, willing to provide you with all the guidance that you need to start using their features effectively.

They also have a ton of useful resources that you can tap into, so that you can learn more about their services in general, and how to use them to your advantage.

With this in mind, let’s get specific when it comes to what you can really do with Octopus CRM.

Automate Your LinkedIn Tasks

The true value of a software solution like this lies in their ability to send out automatic messages to your LinkedIn contacts.

This is incredibly helpful for building up your LinkedIn marketing strategy, because you can send out marketing messages to all of your connections at the same time.

It also lets you send out connection requests to connections in order to turn them into possible leads.

These guys are going to be able to automatically visit hundreds of profiles out there, and sent connection requests on your behalf, to relevant professionals within your target demographic.

This is one feature that lets you automate your lead generation for LinkedIn, without you having to spend hours of your own time doing so.

They can also help you automatically endorse up to seven skills for the people that you are trying to connect with.

Of course, it is helpful when you can do this on a larger scale, because it means that you are going to be able to do a lot of favors for people who you are hoping to turn into leads, and hopefully they will return the favor.

However, it’s at this point that we do have to share a disclaimer with you, which is just because you can send out automatic messages and connection request doesn’t mean that you should be spamming people.

Make sure that you check in regularly with your messages and ensure that you aren’t sending the same message out to often.

Develop Sales Funnels

Until now, we’ve talked about the different automation features that you can make the most with Octopus CRM.

In this next section, we’re going to talk about how you can bring these all together to create a successful sales funnel.

Let’s check out a small sales funnel that you could create for LinkedIn using a software solution like this.

The first part of the process is you can go through hundreds of profiles at once to find your target demographic.

From here, you can send out the right invites to connections who match your target demographic.

Once they have accepted your invite, then you can send out an automated message in bulk that says ‘thank you’ for the connection.

Once you’ve done this, you can endorse skills for them, so that you are warming up these prospects, and hopefully turning them into paying clients at some point.

From here, you can start to slowly infiltrate with your marketing strategy, which is hopefully going to convert a few of them.

This is just one example of the many directions that you could take your sales funnel in for LinkedIn, and the great part is that it has all been done through Octopus CRM.

These guys are passionate about helping their clients build customized sales funnels, so that they can create successful LinkedIn campaigns, and you can do it all through their simple and easy to use dashboard.

We recommend that you play around a little bit with different types of funnels, so that you can see which one works best for your audience.

Analyze Performance

Octopus CRM performance

The great news about Octopus CRM is that it is not just another legit automation software tool, but it is also a great solution to your LinkedIn analytics.

It is going to make sure that you have easy access to your analytics through its dashboard, so that you can see all of the vital metrics for you to go through in order to determine the performance of your LinkedIn campaigns.

You are going to be able to easily see how many connection requests were sent out, how many of these were accepted, and a lot more from just one dashboard.

You are going to find all of the numbers on the tasks performed, as well as success rates.

Implement Other Software

Octopus CRM lets you integrate with more than 1000 different software solutions.

This means that you can easily send your contacts to HubSpot, and you are even able to keep a detailed record of connections sent and accepted in Google Sheets.

This software solution also has the option of being able to directly import data in different types of files, just note that you won’t be able to download any information in the form of PDF.

Octopus CRM Pricing

Octopus CRM Pricing

Octopus CRM has three different price points for to choose from, with their Starter pack being just $9.99 a month. If you pay for this annually, it is going to cost you $6.99 a month.

With this package, you are going to be able to make the most of Octopus CRM with stats, as well as personalized automatic invites, and the opportunity to network with premium LinkedIn users.

Their Pro plan is going to cost you $14.89 a month, or $9.89 a month if you pay for it annually.

As well as getting all of the basic features, you can also send automated messages en masse, and automatically view profiles, as well as endorse skills.

When it comes to their Advanced package, this is going to cost you $21.99 a month, or $14.89 if you pay for it annually.

As well as getting all the features that you would get in their Pro plan, you also get to make the most of being able to export and import data and build up sales funnels.

Octopus CRM has an unlimited plan, which is their most expensive plan at $39.19 a month, or $25 a month if you pay for it annually.

Of course, you get to benefit from all of the features of their Advanced package, along with being able to create your personal LinkedIn lead generation funnel, integration with other applications, activity control, and a personal account manager.

All of their price points come with a free trial option, which when we reviewed we discovered you can benefit from for seven days.

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What is Octopus CRM?

Octopus CRM is a tool for LinkedIn that is automated, and can help you send out automated messages and connection requests to people who you are hoping to incorporate into your sales funnel on LinkedIn.

It is great for lead generation, and it is also great for lead nurturing, and we truly believe that it is one of the best in the business.

How Do I use Octopus CRM?

The good news is that octopus CRM is really easy to use. It is basically in the form of a Chrome extension, which means that you will need to download it and integrate it into your LinkedIn profile.

It is super easy to work out how to do this, so you will be up and running with them in no time.

Can I Utilize Octopus CRM with a LinkedIn Profile That’s Free?

It is recommended that you use Octopus CRM with a premium LinkedIn account, but the good news is that you can use this Chrome extension with a free LinkedIn profile as well.

In fact, Octopus CRM works well with all different kinds of LinkedIn profiles, which means that no matter what kind of profile you have and you are using for your brand, you are going to be able to integrate it into this Chrome extension.

Are There Limits to My Automation?

Yes, there is a limit to how many bulk requests and messages you can send out, and this is to ensure that your LinkedIn profile doesn’t get flagged as spammy.

If you have a premium LinkedIn profile, then you are going to have a limit of 100 invitations and 200 messages a day, and if you are using a free LinkedIn profile, and then this limit is 100 messages a day, and 50 connection requests.

We suggest that you play around with these limits though and adjust them based on your personal account safety.

How Do I End My Subscription?

The great thing about Octopus CRM is that you are able to cancel your subscription with them at any point, all you need to do is find the billing page on your dashboard, and then email directly the customer support team.

Do I Need to Provide My Credit Card Number for the Free Trial?

The great news is that you can make the most of Octopus CRM’s free trial without having to share your credit card details, and the free trial lasts for seven days.

You can also unsubscribe from the entire software at the end of these seven days, if you don’t feel like using them after all.

Can One License Manage More Than One Account?

No, one license for Octopus CRM is going to cover one LinkedIn profile. This means that if you want to make the most of Octopus CRM for more than one LinkedIn profile, you will need to buy another license.

Are There Custom Plans for Enterprises?

You can contact the sales team directly to talk about your requirements around this, and they are going to be able to help you come up with a customized plan for your brand.

How Do I Manage Multiple Licenses Through One Device?

All you need to do to manage more than one license through Octopus CRM on one device is log out from one LinkedIn profile, and then log into another one.

If you have any more questions around this or any other aspect of using Octopus CRM, you can get in touch with their customer support team directly.

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How Did Octopus CRM Do in Tests?

So, we decided to put Octopus CRM to the test just like we do with every other company that we review on here. We thought that we would sign up for their basic package so that we could determine whether they are a legit company or not.

Honestly, we thought that their results were pretty impressive. They were pretty quick to send out the engagement, and it was pretty easy for us to get in touch with them about any issues.

Through the test, it became clear to us that they are the kind of company that can really help you with your LinkedIn growth.

What About Their Team?

One of the best ways for you to figure out if a company is the kind that you want on your side or not is to see what they’re prepared to give away when it comes to their team, which is what we’ve done for this review.

If they are willing to talk about their team on their website, then this means that they are prepared to be upfront and honest with their clients. If they’re not willing to do so, though, then they aren’t.

We found more than enough evidence on Octopus CRM’s website to believe that they truly care about their clients.

Octopus CRM User Reviews

Octopus CRM Trustpilot

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Review Conclusion

So, what do we ultimately think of Octopus CRM in regards to your LinkedIn profile in this review? We think that they are safe to use and that you should use them if you want to keep your profile safe.

The issue that we have with companies like elsewhere out there is that they haven’t been approved by LinkedIn, which means that you have a very real chance of getting in trouble with the popular social media platform if you sign up for them.

Because tools elsewhere aren’t approved to help you with your LinkedIn growth, there is a very high chance of being suspended or banned if you decide to go ahead and try them out.

This is why we have to suggest that you stick with Octopus CRM for help with your LinkedIn connections so that you can stay nice and safe out there.

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Do you disagree with my review? Sometimes I do make mistakes. Comment below & let me know what’s factually incorrect and I’ll rectify it as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading.

- Jon

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Avatar of Jonathon Spire
My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 8 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant. In my spare time I dabble in crypto and various types of automation.
Picture of Jonathon Spire

Jonathon Spire

Tech Blogger at Jonathon Spire

My diverse background started with my computer science degree, and later progressed to building laptops and accessories. And now, for the last 7 years, I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant.

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Jonathon Spire

I blog about a range of tech topics.

For the last 7 years I have been a social media marketing specialist and business growth consultant, so I write about those the most.

Full transparency: I do review a lot of services and I try to do it as objectively as possible; I give honest feedback and only promote services I believe truly work (for which I may or may not receive a commission) – if you are a service owner and you think I have made a mistake then please let me know in the comments section.

– Jon