Category: Lifestyle

Ella Marcotte

8 Scheduling Tips For A More Productive Workday

Optimizing productivity within the business is important to its success. Sure, we all have our days where procrastination hits hard but understanding the methods and habits that get you out of that rut is useful to know. The average employee is around 60% productive during their workday. The more productive, the better so if you

Ella Marcotte

Rebuilding Finances After A Natural Disaster

Natural disasters like wildfires, hurricanes, and tornadoes can cause serious damage to property and homes and can be emotionally and financially devastating. While the recovery period can drag on for some time, there are several key steps you can take to assess the damage and work towards regaining financial stability. This article will cover some

Ella Marcotte

Scaling Your Nonprofit’s Social Media With Live Events – A Complete Guide

Business events (in-person and virtual), such as conferences, team-building activities, and charities, can be a great boost for your brand awareness campaign or fundraising if done right. However, compared to social media campaigns, events come with a series of challenges that need a mature and responsible approach.  For once, if the event will happen in

Ella Marcotte

Digital Nomads – How To Make New Friends Locally 

Maybe you dreamed about the life of a digital nomad. You want to roam the world and live in exotic cities while you work. In reality, a digital nomad’s life can be lonely. Making new friends is difficult because everyone already has established friendships. So, when moving to a new city, most people rely on

Ella Marcotte

The Benefits & Drawbacks Of Non Attending College

The decision to go to college or not is a big one – and one that requires careful consideration. As more and more people are choosing to not attend college, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of this decision. The reality is that there are pros and cons of going to college. However,

Ella Marcotte

Best 7 High-Paying Careers for Women in the 21st Century

You can easily find a fantastic job as a multitasking woman that will pay you well and help develop your skills. Many women have discovered careers that perfectly balance work and family obligations. Several in-demand professions can allow you to maintain a healthy work life balance successfully. No barrier, obstacle, or boundary is strong enough

Ella Marcotte

5 Reasons Why A Business Benefits From Cycling

Do you want your company to be more productive? If yes, then cycling might be the answer. In this article, we’ll discuss why cycling benefits employees and businesses. Cycling has become a popular form of transport over the last decade. The benefits of cycling include improved health, increased energy levels, improved mood, and avoiding traffic.

Ella Marcotte

Manage Your Money Better With These Top 12 Tips

Are you struggling to keep up with your payments? Are you feeling like you’re in over your head when it comes to your finances? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Millions of people are struggling financially and looking into debt relief every day.  But that doesn’t mean you have to give up. There

Ella Marcotte

Comping Real Estate – How Can I Value My Own House?

Homeowners are currently enjoying watching their investments reach unexpected levels in value. The pandemic saw a shortage of existing houses for sale which led to record increases in the prices of homes in the US. For all the talk of their being a bubble, there is still no sign of it bursting. The Texas housing

Ella Marcotte

7 Careers And Sectors To Consider To Move Abroad

If you’re craving adventure, there are a few ways to scratch that itch. Online entertainment has reached new heights, so you can play live games at Casumo, bet on a sports game and follow it live or compete in an MMRPG with your friends. Alternatively, you could seek some excitement outside of your home. A

Ella Marcotte

Top Ways You Can Save Some Cash For The Future

Saving money is, without a doubt, one of the smartest things you can do at any given moment in your life. If you have a cushion of savings, you’re less likely to fall into debt if something unexpected happens. You’re also in a better position to take advantage of investment opportunities. In this blog post,

Ella Marcotte

Travel For Work: Gearing Yourself Up

For many people, traveling for work conjures up images of cramped airplanes, uncomfortable hotel rooms, and barely enough time to see the sights. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re well-prepared and take a few simple steps, your next business trip can be productive and enjoyable. Here are a few essential tips: